Friday, October 06, 2006

"Final Warning"

From the opening chapter of Final Warning...
An Environmental Saga

Les Aaron-
Buddha rules

The Secret Pentagon Report was in. The secretive think tank, The Office of Policy Review, headed up by the guru of the Pentagon—a visionary planner who has never publicly revealed his name, yet is known by the code name of “Buddha”, had not only prepared but also put his personal stamp on the following report summarized here and submitted with full documentation to the said subject of the report





Following conclusions are the result of an exhaustive and systematic review conducted by this department over the last six months. See full report and documentation attached. Appropriate footnotes and attachments are provided... Timeline on this is marked “Urgent.”

SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS: the probabilities of occurrence are so high, that it is necessary that we move up the time line.

Reason: To withhold such data this office would deem reprehensible in view of what we now know. According to our best estimates, all affected parties will require maximum time available to design, develop/ implement plans and procedures to augment their own prospects for survival at a time of great uncertainty.

. Findings: As per research, fully documented and enclosed, there is a very high degree of probability of the following scenario taking place within the near term. The probability is in the range of 80% with an error of approximately 10% according to the credibility of the current data projections.

Findings: Europe will be subjected to conditions that are unimaginable in today’s terms. In effect, we project a kind of nuclear winter will descend upon Europe. The expected factual occurrences include the following: -- extreme and unique weather conditions unlike any seen before in Western Europe...

One of the greatest challenges should these projections come to fruition: severe flooding. . Our estimates of what life will be like should these projections come to pass are summed up as follows: Life will change dramatically for all those within targeted areas. In addition to flooding, calculations reveal that temperatures could plummet to levels emulating what might be termed Siberian conditions. Such catastrophic events will most likely trigger consequences unseen before. Nuclear wars, famine, mega droughts and other disasters may be among likely consequences. We repeat that these conclusions are the result of our best projections based upon the existing data and while the outcome cannot be confirmed at this time, the data convinces us that all concerned should make necessary preparations to deal with the high probability of such an outcome...

Consequences: If these events come to pass, it would be highly likely that supplies of everything from food to energy would run out. Conflicts could be expected to be far-reaching and beyond our ability to conceptualize. And the resulting devastation could be worse than nuclear war.

The projected time line: there is an 50-50 probability that the timetable for the above could be accelerated so that such consequences could impact the target area in as little as six months. There is a better than 80% chance that the above occurrence will occur within twenty years. While twenty years may seem like a reasonable time to take remedial action, the possibility that this catastrophic event may occur in a much shorter time frame, makes the need for remedial action much more urgent.

Measures: With a window that is tragically narrow, we recommend the calling of an immediate emergency conference, that the efforts of this conference should be oriented towards mobilizing all necessary services and counter-measures to assist our allies abroad and to provide support and aid for the affected populations. The need for positive action in the light of these projections is imminent and potentially overwhelming.
We await your instructions...

See attached report and documentation.

Office of the Director

The president seemingly annoyed with the intrusive nature of this report, glanced at it, mumbled something indecipherable under his breath, put it back in its folder and left it on his desk as he hurried out under Secret Service guard to the waiting helicopter that would take him to Air Force One for his overdue trip to the Southern White House and a week or two of sports-fishing and skeet shooting.

Order a copy of Final Warning from Les Aaron,

The Committee for Positive Change
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