Friday, October 06, 2006

"The Tipping Point..."

Wake Up America!

In the absence of honest debate, in a field where the intellectually and moral leaders remain amazingly silent, one wonders who will arise to take their place.
We seem to be so docile, so willing to accept virtually anyone's authority whether it is questionable in the first place or not.
Who will then reassert the standards that we have all tried to live by: honesty and integrity.
Wasn't that and freedom two of the things that Americans fought to preserve.
Have we let down our veterans through our cowardly non-action.
Have we so easily been taken over by a cabal of a handful eager to advance their own interests at the nation's expense?
These are questions that have to be flitting around in people's minds.
What have we allowed ourselves to become? Why are we not out on the street over a million issues?: Why have we become so compliant while others refer to the fact that we are so polarized in every other way. Why have we allowed the Chinese to enslave us in permanent indebtedness? Why have we allowed our jobs to flee? Why have we allowed the medical establishment to decide whether we can afford to survive or not? Why have we ignored clean air and water at our own peril and simply kowtow to plans to put off OSHA protections for another ten years? Why have we allowed ourselves to perpetuate a war that we know is based on false assumptions and lies? Why have we not simply asserted our authority and stopped it. surely, 50 million people are a force to be reckoned with? What is wrong with us as a people? Why have we allowed our relationships to be severed? Why do we put up with a government that knows nothing but bullying and won't talk with those it needs to talk to?
Why do we say nothing when we know that what this government is doing is not in our long term good interest? Why are we allowing this government to hold back the fruits of science--especially when we know that it may help thousands if not tens of thousands? Why are we allowing them to divert money from schools to pay war subcontractors in a war that is not merited or justified? Wake up America! The people have the power. And we should not forget that we have a responsibility that our government represent all of the people--not just a fortunate few.... It is time to take stock of all that has happened to turn America into a unilateralist totalitarian state that makes policy without debate, that ignores its fundamental documents and rules of law to assert its own interpretations that are based on self-interest and preserving the status quo. It is all wrong! And it is not America that we see.
And if we don't do something, we will have our grandchildren to answer to.
Or maybe we will have pushed the tipping point and there will be no coming back.
think about that!

Les Aaron

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