Thursday, October 19, 2006

Every Middle Class Indicator Heads South; Dow Jones Goes Up! What Does That Tell You?

Are you ready for this?

Dow Jones hits new highs!

Think about it.

Jobs created are mainly minimum wage service jobs.

Housing starts are down.

Our trade deficit is ballooning.

We are in China’s indebtedness.

41 million people do not have health care.

And the Dow Jones keeps rising.

What does that reflect?

It reflects record profits for the corporations.

It means big salaries and more perks for senior staffers.

The average senior executive makes in one day what it takes an ordinary employee to make in two years!....(It was on Lou Dobbs, CNN tonight!)

How can that be?

Watch my lips: Our jobs are in India and the products flooding our stores are made in China!

Tonight, Lou Dobbs had on an author whose written a new book saying that the ranks of Republicans are made up of savvy businessmen and generals; the ranks of democrats are those who never made it. We are people who always seem to be on the losing end of things, who haven't succeeded in our personal lives, "wanna-be's". In fact, what this apologist for the Republicans is saying is that we Democrats are all “losers.”

I think we should let Lou Dobbs know, that we need some representation from the other side before he gets too excited with this politicians myopic view of his own world.

If this does not piss you off big time, you are simply not human!...

and if that weren't enough: By tonight, the republicans have raised already 1 b illion dollars for the coming election; half of it came from lobbyists.

What does that tell you?

Time to prove we’re not LOSERS folks!

Les Aaron

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