Wednesday, October 12, 2005


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Are We There Yet?

Les Aaron

In the election of 1999, America saw the beginning of the end of the Two Party System…

What everyone has failed to realize or acknowledge is that a compliant congress and a willing media colossus have contributed to the rise of Autocracy of government never experienced in our country before. The success of their bloodless coup is due in large measure to the techniques of obfuscation and persuasion first practiced by Donald Segretti, enhanced and improved upon by Lee Atwater, refined by Newt Gingrich and perfected by hawks of the Right like Karl Rove. Rove may pride himself on being the architect of a system of government that serves as an extension of right wing zeal, a blindness to the common good and unswerving chutzpah.

This has happened so quickly and so absolutely that hardly a soul on the street realizes how we have been transformed; nor the longer term implications of living in an autocracy with religious overtones.. Today, artful globalists with specific agendas rule the roost!...Whatever protest is allowed stand serves to produce a false sense of well-being that there is a second party; but that is far from truth if we simply look at their staggering successes. Drilling in the Arctic. War without provocation. . Rejection of Constitutional Law. Elimination of the notion of privacy. Freedom for the private sector to raise prices at will.. A severe reduction of taxes for those who would pay the most. A redistribution of income where fewer than 5% of the population controls more than 60 % of the nations assets. (Something unseen in any of the western nations that profess to pursue a democratic course.) A focus on corporation’s needs over those of the rank and file. A dismantling of the Great Society programs. The power of the private sector to make and enforce laws without the power of the other party to stop the process. The ability of the Right to load the courts with conservative appointments. Control of what the media says and does. Poisioning of the air and water for pecuniary reasons. Elimination of the standards of government by which church is separated from government according to the wishes of this nation’s founding fathers. All of these and many more realities of government were the artful connivances of right wing planners aided and abetted by conservative think tanks and the deep pockets of special interests who understood how to use the power of communications to frame the issues so as to blind and mislead the general public.

These forces have conspired to destroy the two party system envisioned by our forefathers and turn democracy in this country into a hollow symbolism that has little resemblance to the original notion. What we see before us is a parody of government for and of the people; a sham that should embarrass those of us with any kind of deep insight and respect for all that this country is capable of becoming.

It is a time for responsible people to come together and recognize that the salvation of this country is predicated on a higher calling than to materialism and self interest that is so much in evidence today. It is in the interest of 95% of the population to get back to fundamentals.

What began in 1999 has further poisoned the well. Although the process had begun years before under the aegis of Reagan and some think as payback for the attacks on Nixon, their true flag bearer, the truth is that the people are being held captive to false information, lies and distortions that not only have set us on the wrong course but have insulted our intelligence. Even Nixon, who was no stranger to manipulation and gaining advantage at whatever cost, could not have imagined that America would become such a hollow fixture on the world stage as it is today.
In the final analysis, democrats have shown themselves incapable of serving as counter-point to a government gone wrong. They have lost their power and authority to control legislation that is now written by special interests and given a blank check; they have acceded to the government on Fast Track; they have agreed with the general strategy that Saddam needed to be removed and they have lost credibility among the thinking people who once made up their core. The Union’s decision to break away from the parent union should serve as a cautionary note to those in both parties who have chosen to ignore the worker and his plight. We urge our leaders to rethink their legacy and to remember the background that led up to watershed events. Americans will not tolerate a “let them eat cake” prescription from its isolated and detached government. In the end, the workers will decide whether it’s time to cut the Democrats lose and form their own party of the people. While that is not certain by any means, what has happened this week should not be underestimated by the leadership. We may just be a critical watershed that bears watching.

Les Aaron-


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