Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A Solution That Even Rove Would Appreciate

I've got a great solution that will solve everyone's problems. The president won't have to squirm and try to look presidential which he is doing a botch job at and we won't have to worry about paying the bills.

Here's the deal.

Since we have shown that we couldn't care less about the people of New Orleans and we already hate France for questionning our judgement re going into Iraq, we could kill two birds with one stone.

Why don't we just reverse the Louisiana purchase?.

We all know that the news coming from that part of the country is not going to get better in a hurry. And where possible, we'd like to spare the president for any more photo ops and stage acting. It is undoubtedly a real strain on a person trying to look as if the plight of a bunch of Democrats and non-voters really amount to a hill of beans. And this happening after that pesky Cindy made his vacation miserable. and forced him to cut it short. Certainly the demands of those tours and those attempts at guitar playing in the midst of disaster were justifiable reasons for not doing anything for nearly five days and leaving the whole affair up to an organization that is nothing more than a joke. Just imagine how the terrorists are going to take our cowboy tactics after this. Will they ever face us with a straight face again.
If you think about it we could probably get off the hook by paying them back twice the original asking price and still come out ahead of what it would cost to repair the sea wall that was damaged. That way, the whole damn place becomes somebody else's responsibility and GWB comes out looking like a good businessman before the Mid-terms....

What's more, we'd get the French and all those "Third World" foreigners out of our face who are trying to volunteer and make America look bad.

As part of the deal, we might even agree to serving French fries in the White House again...

And they would be obligated to say only nice things about us. Just yesterday the French Canadian government was nice enough to call George a "schmuck."

What do you think? Does that sound like a plan?

Les Aaron


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