Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Real Price of Katrina...

...You know what we lost with Katrina?

The ability to be taken seriously as a world power.

What kind of world power would not know what to do in a disaster that was expected?
What kind of superpower would do nothing to help its stranded citizens for three days?
What kind of superpower would turn away people from being rescued?
What kind of superpower would not have evacuated the helpless and the bed-ridden?
What kind of a superpower would tell all of its citizens to go one place and then not prepare food and shelter for them?
What kind of superpower would allow the oil companies to exploit the situation?
What kind of superpower would be so poorly prepared to address the needs of people who are being denied food and water and shelter?
Can we ever be taken seriously again as a Superpower if we can't even get our own house in order after we were forewarned and new what was going to happen in a category five storm?
What kind of superpower would allow the violent to take over the streets?
What kind of superpower takes five days to evacuate those in need and send them to a place that turns them away?
What kind of a superpower cuts the budget to repair a pending disaster and then talks about bull-dozing a city that has a rich meaning and tradition for its inhabitants?
What kind of a chief of a superpower treats a disaster like it was something to blow off?
What kind of a CEO would go home and go to sleep and not worry about his people
who have no food, no water, no shelter?
What is wrong with America?
I am ashamed to admit of being an American in America of 2005.

Les Aaron


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