Saturday, September 03, 2005

Will Kissenger Be Asked To Lead This Investigation Too?

Judging from how long it took them to agree to investigate the root causes of 911, expect it will take another year to conduct an investigation of what went wrong in New Orleans, which will give them sufficient time to bury the evidence--ie. destroying the wetlands that protected the city, devastating the budget used to protect the city against a storm system like Katrina and the other failures that include on the seventh day of the storm, Brown of FEMA looking like a deer caught in the headlights when told about the folks trapped at the Convention center, etc. etc.. Somehow, we know how it will end. It will have been caused by bin Laden working in concert with Bill Clinton; it always does.

Remember when the Buck Stopped Here was more than a slogan; when a president didn't lie to his constituency; when a president facing some imminent crisis would prefer to share the burden with the people???

This government should provide free therapy for Americans who are so shocked by these events, that they can't believe we're living in a world that can put people on the moon, mount wars thousands of miles away, create clones that look exactly like their parents, build satellite systems that can telegraph messages back to earth from out in space, but cannot protect the people of its own city after knowing for years that that city faced a major threat.

America in 2005: Let's all visit the burial sites of the Founding Fathers and have a national prayer session.

Les Aaron


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