Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Powder Keg

The Powder Keg....

What no one has said is that New Orleans right now is a powder keg so is much of the Gulf Coast after being ignored by the Federal government and FEMA for so long.

And it would not take much for this to blow up!

Many don't mince words and blame the president for dereliction of duty.
Viewing the disaster area from 5,000 feet and making some bland speeches about not buying gasoline is not exactly designed to warm anyone's hearts especially in view of the sacrifices being made, the loss of property and loved ones...and the fact that this government has demonstrated a kind of cavalier attitude that pretty much suggests
that you are on your own.

Well, the effect is starting to become cumulative. The people, and rightly so, are beginning to ask where is the National Guard? Where is the help they've been promised? Why has it taken so long to get food and water in? Why have the hospitals been left to fend on their own?

Questions abound.

Many people are beginning to wonder whether this benign neglect has racist overtones. (I think it's political: Don't most cities vote Democratic; therefore, who cares?)
And this does not auger well for future peace.
Nor does the escalating gas prices that are being forced on consumers all over the country.
Did Bush claim it a national emergency and tell any gas wholesalers and retail operations that raising prices right now is against the law and capitalizing on this disaster is equally against the law. No! This unfeeling cretin did not do that; and that was the easiest thing he could have done.

If any of you remember the Newark riots, remember it didn't take much.
There are armed men in New Orleans. They are hot and angry; they are not to be fooled with. And there are National Guard forces there who are not really trained for these circumstances. Might we see an accident like Kent State where somebody fires and it turns intro a disaster that would spread like wildfire all across the country? Remember the power of TV; this resembles just such a scenario before the guns went off....

It might. All I'm saying is that with the people fired up about Iraq and our failures there and our inability to handle this crisis and gasoline that costs more than milk, we could easily see an explosion and this president thrown out of office along with all of his minions.
Or it could turn out to be the largest oppression of the people ever witnessed with thousands dead.

I hope I am wrong; but the hard feelings are piling up. And even the conservatives are showing their hatred for our incompetent Chief of Staff.

Les Aaron
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