Saturday, June 07, 2008

The Right Words for the Right Times….

It remains to be seen whether actions will ultimately speak louder than words.

Nevertheless, Hillary took that first critical step.

She moved forward to heal the rift between the two warring segments of the democratic party….

And it was a bell ringer.

A speech that will go down in history as the day the world began to change for democrats.

And her ringing words did not disappoint.

Not only did she concede to the nominee of the party, which until now was something not high on her to-do list, she also helped ameliorate the wounds that have been festering since the mid-primary season.

It seems that everyone is anxious to put the mean-spirited vicissitudes behind us and move forward with alacrity.

From her six minute speech that expressed in strong terms her broad-based support for the first Afro-American man to win his party’s nomination, it is clear that Hillary intends to support Obama’s bid with every fiber of her body.

And that will be observed closely by the pundits.

If actions follow words, as we expect, her speech will go a long way in healing the hurt exacerbated in the last week when Hillary was introduced after the last campaign as the “Next president of the United States,” and her failure to recognize that Obama had achieved the record number of delegates to cinch his party’s nomination.

Hillary in her concession speech today reminded her followers that this race was about more than either she or Obama but the good of the nation.

And that was a good note to put on it.

Putting memorable words into that kind of historical framework will help those who felt that she had dealt the party a damaging blow with her attacks and her attempts to make Obama appear weak to those voters he will need to achieve a win in November.

But if nothing else, Hillary has made a great start in changing perceptions.

And those of us who consider ourselves party loyalists cannot hope for more.

From where we stand, the party has taken the first and most critical steps in coming together.

Les Aaron

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