Wednesday, June 04, 2008

An Open Letter to Hillary and Bill:
Dear Bill and Hillary:

Remember me, I am the guy who also sent you the custom=designed tee shirt that I thought might help ignite your campaign.

Now, Obama is using pretty much the slogan I had made up for you nearly twenty years ago…

You know, the last time either of you wrote to me it was about money.

You wrote me to give money again to your library, Bill. I had already done that twice before!

And I never got the certificate you promised.

Or you, Hillary, you've been writing to me for the last dozen years for one thing or another; yet never once responded to any of my letters.

Nonetheless, I was pleased to respond many times to your requests.

As you know, I was upset because the republicans had ganged up you and I thought you were right about that conspiracy you spoke of.

But I must ask you to stop writing.

You see, your tactics in this primary has caused me to revisit everything you've said and done and I came away with a pretty distasteful impression.

I am therefore sorry and will no longer be able to donate to this, that or the other project.

Here’s just a few of the reasons and I’m sorry if it means a little backtracking but my mind doesn’t seem to be as flexible as yours when it comes to enumerating yours or Bill’s accomplishments.

As you know, I was very dissatisfied with the NAFTA agreement and the tone it set. And I was sorry that at the time, you supported it!

Moreover, I couldn't understand how you could support the War in the first place. You claimed that you didn’t know better. I wondered how come. I saw the violations of the truth from the beginning and I’m sure you knew a lot more than I did. Then I couldn’t understand why you signed away your independence by agreeing with Bush to sign again a non-binding agreement to hold the Iranian Guards as terrorists, the first step towards another war.

And for you, Bill, I never understood, was why you and Hillary never stood up for the American people and said that you were against the War.

I was also very disappointed in Hillary's accommodations to big industry and their request for special Green cards.

And while I still normally would have supported Hillary's bid, her “win at any cost” tactics during the Primary and the lengths she would go to beat Obama for advantage I found personally troubling. For if a person is willing to trade their character and ethical beliefs for momentary advantage, what does that tell you about them and how they would govern.

No, before South Carolina, I realized that I was being exploited by a cadre of your supporters who were willing to say or do anything to win.

It caused you my support and my trust.

I wish you and Hillary the best and I am sure that you are both capable of doing some very good things for the democrats but you will have to do them without me.

Thank you.

And please remove me from your mailing list.

Les Aaron

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