Tuesday, April 01, 2008

“It’s the Other Chap’s Job…”

It is clear that the voters feel that all responses to what is happening in the world should be made by our representatives and the proposed candidate who will come out of the Primaries victorious.

It is wishful thinking writ large

It seems to me that this is exactly the kind of permissive atmosphere that propels the current administration to do what it wants: There is no one to stand in the way.
Thusly, we have carte blanche to walk all over middle class values—especially those generated by the “left” –the architects of pure liberalism.

The liberals have all gone to sleep.

No, it’s not that they don’t mouth their little objections; yes, they do that.

But they clearly have no teeth; Teeth takes commitment and effort and God forbid, why would we subject ourselves to scrutiny and possible charges by a hostile and belligerent government; never mind that we seem to be edging closer to Fascism every day.

The die is cast.

What’s worse, is that this government knows how to deal with it.

You just go forward and do what you want; you can be sure that nobody will effectively stand in your way.

There are no Winstons to voice disapproval. There is not even a healthy and objective media to tell you what’s wrong.

So, we watch on the sidelines as they ready the “isolation areas,” snoop on our correspondence, scan our emails, and do all the other ‘nasties’ associated perhaps more with East Germany during its heyday than America, home of the free and land of the brave.

Where have you gone, Joe Dimaggio.

Would this crap that passes for government have survived when our generation was growing up. I think not.

It is sad to see America so humbled by its own inaction.

Where do we go from here: It seems down the tubes, dear friend.

We are gutless to the extreme and the Right Wing has not missed the point!

And it has me so angry that I have misjudged the character of Americans that I just want to shake everyone I know by the shoulders and say, “Wake Up!...before it’s too late.”

God Bless America….

And let us count the ways….

I can see why great candidates like Al Gore, Bill Bradley, Mario Cuomo, Gary Hart and others have simply said, “the Hell with it!”

Les Aaron

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