Wednesday, March 26, 2008

it’s about winning!

Let’s get this damned thing over with and move on!

It’s damned depressing to see the Primary I’ve waited for for eight years going down in the proverbial tubes, knowing that everything will become fodder for the 527’s, but let’s get on with the damned primary already.

I can’t wait for this whole thing to be over.

And I know I have lot’s of company.

Never before have I seen so many people turned off with the process.

And I blame the panjandrums of the Democratic Party for letting this happen!

You know that everything will change before the next primary and well they should.

But for now, we need to shoulder on no matter who’s the candidate.

I don’t care at this point if it’s Obama or Hillary.

I will give them my full support.


Because I hate the Republicans more than I hate us for being so stupid.

I am getting angrier by the day and can’t wait to see the end of Pennsylvania.

I do know from my own travels that to say Pennsylvania beyond Pittsburgh and Philadelphia is heavily red necked.

I know that.

But it is also workers who have lost everything when the Republicans and the private sector lost the people the benefit of the steel industry. They took the money and ran even after government bail-outs!

Most of the towns look as if they are on the brink of becoming back lots for Hollywood ghost towns.

And it is a damned shame.

The last eight years have been without vision or hope for the people of Pennsylvania so they have their legitimate grievances.

They worked hard; struggled to put bread on the table and the Steel Industry took the money and ran. Shame on them.

And their consultant was also the consultant to president Bush and the head of the Republican Party, the man who coined the words, “Compassionate Conservative.”

Whenever did words mean so little?

Today, we are faced nation=wide with more of the same thanks to our do nothing Republican government.

It is time to get angry folks.

And to break these people’s grip on retarding growth and progress in this country.

We need fresh thinking, new initiatives and the courage to do what needs to be done to make America number one again.

This is not in Bush’s or McCain’s dialogue and we need to beat on it, if we have any hopes of change.

Keep that in mind.

Les Aaron

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