The Day the Music Stopped…
I don’t know how she managed to do it in such a short time, but Hillary Clinton has managed to turn virtually every single thinking liberal I know against her.
Most say that it has to do with the way she is conducting her campaign.
And for her nasty, divisive assaults on the character of Barack Obama.
The polls also suggest that this is the case. Hillary’s negatives are going up in several of the polls reporting.
Those who manage Hillary’s campaign suggest that it is actually the other way around. Obama supporters have been unfairly attacking her.
And the arguments go round and round.
Who is really responsible for Hillary’s growing negatives?
Many think it is Hillary, herself; that her latest strategum of faulting Obama for his pastor, suggesting that he doesn’t have the necessary experience, his associations with criminal real estate broker, and bringing up the race question, has actually cost her more than it’s helped.
But it has actually accomplished what she clearly set out to do. That is, to raise doubts about her opponent, doubts that question his patriotism and other qualifications. In other words, to demonstrate that Obama is not what he seems.
But, for all intents and purposes, her aggressive stance may have alienated former supporters who not to be fooled, see that she has mounted a kind of Bushian campaign that says one thing and does something else.
Before, if nothing else, people felt a degree of compassion for Hillary. Certainly, after her win in New Hampshire; that of course seems like many ages after what took place in South Carolina to turn the blacks against the Clintons. But the Clintons didn’t see South Carolina the same way. In their willingness to see what they want to see, her supporters have suggested that the blacks have abandoned her because another black came along. They had no responsibility for what happened.
It’s been this kind of dual standard that has been operative all along..
For every comment about playing the game fairly and how she’s been abused by the other side, there is always a continuing barrage of below the belt charges ranging from questioning Barama’s credentials to showing him in native dress to disparage him.
But nobody seems to be falling for it these days except those who don’t read and those who can’t separate themselves from their biases.
It is one of the reason that young people, blacks and liberals are coming out to back Obama in record numbers.
People are tired of senseless character assassination and sneaky tactics that are made to look like they are the honest feelings of staff members.
This simply doesn’t fly.
Look at the statistics.
The accusations about the minister have not stuck.
Obama’s very honest speech saw to that.
And Hillary’s negatives continue to climb.
It is a serious indication that the people are fed up with such tactics.
But don’t expect any of this to slow Hillary or Bill down. They want the White House so bad they can taste it—regardless of whether it might destroy the Party per se and give the election to the opposition.
In the meantime, the media is engaged in a feeding frenzy—and this time, I must say, that Hillary’s actions have helped to chum the waters.
There is a feeling out there that anything she does will not change the numbers and the delegates who support Obama.
But Hillary, not content to give up, will see whether she can sustain the fight through the August convention.
If it comes to that, it could mean the democrats will not have enough time to regroup and raise the money from a fragmented group of democrats to mount the kind of campaign needed to win.
If that’s the case, don’t expect Hillary to win any bouquets from a growing army of disenchanted liberals who weren’t particularly crazy about her in the first place..
Les Aaron
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