Monday, March 24, 2008

How Many Will Die Over a Lie

4,000 dead.

Is that our legacy.

We manage to spend nearly a trillion dollars to invade a country that had nothing to do with aggression against us, kill hundreds of thousands of innocents to discover that there were no WMD, and in the process accomplish the wounding of 40,000 and the death of 4,000 American boys and girls.

That’s some accomplishment.

Cheney said “so?” when it was suggested to him that Americans don’t support the War.
Bush today said that he thinks that their sacrifice will be well earned if we win this one.
And that he carries the larger burden.

Sure, he carries the burden of sending troops to their death for a lie.

What does “winning” mean in his warped lexicon?

Does it mean win in it for the Decider?

Never mind that it was an unjustified War in the first place.

Is this the proverbial guilt trip? If we don’t win, it means that the 4,000 died in vain?

And that those who seek peace would be indirectly responsible for their deaths?

Isn’t that a case of inverted logic?

I mean shouldn’t the government that sent them into harm’s be begging the forgiveness of the mom’s and dad’s across the country. Shouldn’t they be on their knees contrite and asking for redemption? Shouldn’t they be making their peace with their maker for the sin of making war when it was not necessary.

Aren’t we simply compounding a lie when we attempt to justify it with the expenditure of more life?

What is our goal?

To listen to Bush, it is about “democracy.” What would he know about democracy; he keeps subverting it here at home. Democracy requires that we take a position on posse comitatus, it means habeas corpus, it means protecting privacy, and abiding by the Geneva conventions; not torturing people or snooping on the vast population of Americans who have nothing to do with subversion or terrorism.

He thinks we should leave Iraq a democracy..


Why is it worth 4,000 lives to build a democracy that was never even a part of Iraqi thinking or culture? Is it more a case of trying to impose our will on people who have a much more interesting history and culture than we do, who lived in peace and brought illumination to preChristian Europe.

At least, these clods should know their history of the region.

But these people are not contrite which makes you question their real motives:

Is it really about democracy or something else? Could it be that our oil-crazy cartel sees Iraq as the fourth largest reservoir of oil and we want it for ourselves?

Is that the real reason we have established permanent fortresses in this unhappy land….

The bloody oil that has already ruined our world, killed off the animals and about to end life on this planet if we don’t wise up.

And what should the punishment for that be?

Is it just that in the end, these executioners will be free to come and go as they please while so many of us are left so much the poorer.

And where are the democrats on this?

Instead of blaming each other for not being a super patriot, shouldn’t they be addressing this issue. Shouldn’t they be talking about this horror of horrors and why it is destroying us as a people?

Maybe it has become trivialized in our minds.

Maybe it has become so omnipresent that we don’t even think about it anymore.

Whatever, the day of reckoning is upon us….

And I pray that those unfeeling contentious few who thought that they were above the law will pay the price for their deeds. It is only just.

Les Aaron

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