Thursday, January 24, 2008

Taking Apart Government As A Path To Individual Freedom in America.

I’ve got it figured out.

I was wondering when I checked Meet-Ups, there were at least ten in the area for Ron Paul and maybe one each, if that many, for the other candidates.

Why the obsession with a man who has said that his goal is to take apart government.

On the one hand, it makes some sense.

This government is corrupt; it has done nothing for the common man except involve him in war and profligate ventures that amount to naught; exercises in exporting our might to what end? Individual advantage? The globalist dream that also conjured up a thousand points of light? Economic ruination?

In this respect, someone telling us that we shouldn’t be doing this; that we should return our troops from overseas; that we should get our own books in balance; and be responsible for ourselves has taken on the aura of a mystic. Ron Paul is a seer; he can see the future and it is a bankrupt country if we persist in what we are doing.

In the short term, Paul may seem enlightened, even capable of achieving what he espouses; it is in the longer term, when reason begins to settle in that the Ron Paul view of the world begins to fall apart.

Ron Paul is not a visionary; he is a Pied Piper, the Jack Kevorkian of a paternalistic democracy—one who is willing to set aside the masses for the sake of the individual.

And in the process, he is perhaps the most dangerous man who has ever run for government. Dangerous because he seems to offer solutions and ideas; but dangerous because he would turn America into a land of individuals who are not committed to anything larger than themselves.

If Ron is perhaps more than a tad mad, he is at the very least a tad right. Some of the things he points a finger at are perniciously wrong headed. We have no business salvaging the world, or making America the bastion of democracy, read Christianity, in an anti-Christian world. So at the very least he’s an interesting madman, an unconventional thinker in a conventional world. So, like most unconventional thinkers, he attracts a following.

Now, this following sees in what Ron stands for a reaction to conventional politics.

He is the odd man out.

He defies the common way of thinking about politics.

He is libertarian through and through.

He wants to not only tame government, he wants to jettison it.

He wants you to keep your money in your pocket; not pay it in taxes.

And that’s a very appealing concept to those who see their money going to support wars and intervention in the affairs of others.

He’s against all of that.

But by the same token, if you follow his ideas, you have to start getting a little queasy in the gut.


Because in a Ron Paul government, what’s left of it when he gets through, there is little compassion or consideration of the old, the enfeebled, minorities, those who can’t take care of themselves; in Ron Paul’s thesis, they become canon fodder.

Under Paul, we have become a nation of those who believe in the adage of “Don’t Tread on Me.” Americans who believe that America is about “me” not “you.” It is a philosophy of the incredibly selfish; under Paul’s philosophy, there would have been no nationwide highway program, no GI Bill; no rural electrification. We would still be living in shacks shooting anybody who dared crossed onto our territory. There would be no system of health; there would no be no taxes; but by the same token, there would be no growth and there would be no reason for a Ron Paul to emerge as someone who would help us return to the Third World; there would be no need because we would have never left!....

So, what looks like a great deal going in, comes out looking as if the idea has been through the shredder.

Paul, is not the savior; he’s the destroyer.

He ends war.

He ends our abortive explotation of others.

But at the same time, he gets rid of taxes.

He ends government as we know it.

He doesn’t support the Draft; but neither does he support health care….

If we leave it up to, Ron, the national motto will now be “What’s mine is mine; and what’s yours is yours.”

Ron does not espouse helping his fellow man.

For him, there is no one waiting to greet those masses waiting to breath free….

For Ron, there’s just him and his family and screw everyone else.

To think, that literally millions and millions of people espouse similar principles tells me more than I want to know.

He doesn’t sound like the kind of doctor I would want to go to….

Les Aaron

The Committee for Positive Change

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