Thursday, January 24, 2008

Dear Activist:

It's with deep sadness that I announce that Dennis Kucinich, a hero to many of us who stood his ground come hell or high water, has been forced to leave the race for democratic candidate of the Party.Let us not forget that Dennis is the one candidate who stood up against the War; and who aggressively supported the Middle Class even when it was unpopular and unfashionable to do so.

He was and is a man of great courage and conviction who stands with greatness...

It is the opinion of this writer that Dennis was never given the attention by the media he deserved. As a consequence, his message for the most part never got out. Most people who vote never did get to see Dennis or hear his impassioned speeches for democratic progressivism.

What could be called a form of selective censorship against progressive candidates exists today that has only served to exacerbate the problems facing this country today.

Among them justice and the right to hear truth in an unvarnished way.

People who simply shrug this notion off would do well to remember 1984's lessons for those of us who believe that the system will right itself.

It will not!

Today, most of us find ourselves exposed to biased reports that only serve to raise doubts and underscore disharmony further alienating us from the very process itself.

In this respect, the conservative interests have been served.

Increasingly, one of our principal freedoms has and is being compromised and our nominating process reduced to theatre and sound bytes that has effectively served to polarize voters and amplify negativity.

It underscores that Democracy has been dealt a damaging blow. But it serves as a distinct reminder that if we take the path of least resistance, we must then settle for the unfit pablum that the media dishes up.

If nothing else, Dennis has helped us to understand the dimensions of the job before us.

Dennis will deliver his bowing out speech tomorrow!

Les Aaron

The Committee for Positive Change

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