Monday, January 14, 2008

This is turning out to be a very quirky Primary unlike any I’ve experienced.

Imagine this possibility for example:

The Republicans could literally have five front runners with each of them having won at least one Primary before February 5th….

Here’s why:

Huckabee won Iowa handily; next, McCain won New Hampshire changing the line-up of Republican leaders; the next day, Romney won the Caucus in Wyoming….and he could win again in Michigan

That’s three winners already—with Romney holding onto the greatest number of delegates won so far in the Republican Party.

But there’s talk about a win in South Carolina for the former Senator and Law and Order star from Tennessee

And let’s not forget, Giuliani seems to think that he has Florida locked up, although some might differ with him….

If you tally this up then, you'll see that there is a possibility then that the Republican Party may have five winners….

With the democratic Party, you have three candidates who are trying their hardest to kill each other off….and it may be Hillary and Obama, the leading candidates, could cause their own chances to tailspin, killing of the chances for a democratic victory….

We don’t know if it will come to that, and, hopefully, cooler heads will prevail but as of now, it seems that the race pot is being stirred. In this, I don’t count out the “dirty tricksters” or the talking heads on FOX and CNBC who have been calling it just about everything but racial politics….

Democrats never to seem to amaze me for their ability to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.

Makes you think….

Les Aaron

The Committee for Positive Change

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