Monday, January 14, 2008

From: The Committee for Positive Change
Answers to the Question of the Week, January 14, 2007

Question of the Week

January 14, 2008

Do you believe that Hillary's emotional moment had an effect on voting results?

And do you believe this moment was real or contrived?

Please tell us why.

Please make all of your responses printable.

The best responses will be circulated on many databases and lists.

Thank you.

Les Aaron
The Committee for Positive Change

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Answers to Question of the Week:

Yes, I think Hillary's emotional moment had an effect on the voters. She usually comes across as a very reserved, cold woman. Her emotional moment was not contrived, I think she was exhausted and disappointed in the Iowa results, so for once let her guard down and came across as a real, emotional person who really cares about others. I won't vote for her, but my feelings toward her softened. Cyn.

If the voting machines were manipulated, the Democratic Ticket can't win no matter who we nominate. If the machines were manipulated, it was by Republicans tricksters to give Hillary win; which means they still can do anything they want with elections.

I agree with Zack`s point that if Hillary`s win in New hampshire was due to manipulation by Republican tricksters, then it does not matter who the Democrats nominate, that candidate cannot win against the GOP election tricksters. I think that Hillary`s emotional moment helped her some, and I think it was genuine and not contrived. What helped Hillary the most was the news media gurus, who acted as bullies against her, especially the bully Chris Matthews.


Do you believe that Hillary's emotional moment had an effect on voting results? (Les)

No, but I believe whoever had their fingers in the voting machines certainly did.


I don't believe that Hillary crying had any effect on the voters. I don't
believe it was contrived. I do, however, believe that only a misogynist would
be turning a normal human reaction into a news story.



I don't think Hillary's near tears episode was contrived. I think she was exhausted and trying to hold it together.

The morning after the NH primary I saw Obama give a rally at some high school gym. He was almost punch drunk with exhaustion and sick too. I felt like excusing him off the stage and sending him to his room for a nap. We push these guys way too hard. They are human.

I believe Mitt has cried twice since Hillary's near tears. Where is the coverage of that? Is Mitt a girly man for crying? How bout Bush, father and son? I really don't make much of it. Crying is no big deal. Barbara

Well, I don't know if the moment was contrived. But here's what I read.

She has a moment of frustration because she realized that her megalomaniacal dream was on the verge of being blown away. She was crying, not for us, but for her own inflated ego.

Ultimately, I think most people will see through it. You gotta remember that in the so called "Muskie Moment", Muskie still won the NH Primary. It just ruined the rest of his campaign. And what she herself isn't ruining, Bill is managing to ruin with his constant meddling unlike any other political spouse that I have ever seen. Why, it reminds me, of, well, it reminds me of Hillary when she was first lady. Liz

Do you believe that Hillary's emotional moment had an effect on voting results?
Indisputably. And the exit polls reflected as much. Which to me is rather disheartening for the health of our republic.

And do you believe this moment was real or contrived?
This raises the question what IS real about the Clintons? Isn't every single action, word, deed, for the simple aggrandizement of their own agenda and lust for power? I read an interesting comment somewhere about how those who are supporting Hillary invariably remember Bill with much fondness. In other words, instead of seeking a future, they seek a restoration. And going back to the past is not looking forward. Hillary is popular because of her husband. But he can only get back in the White House through the back door, and I have zero doubt he will assert his influence over her very heavily.


Do you believe that Hillary's emotional moment had an effect on voting results?
Yes, I do. And you know what? It is going to boil down to the "sisterhood" against the "brotherhood". Every woman who has been passed over for a promotion so a male could get it; every woman who has been treated with a certain disdain by men; every woman who is struggling to pay bills, get health insurance for the family and keep things going; something just clicked when Hillary misted up. And something else: A lot of the educated upper class women who were going for Obama finally internalized "I get it" after the vicious attacks on Hillary by all sides of the press. In fact, while the pundits and media gleefully played and replayed her "misty moment" and just about buried her they did Clinton a big fat favor. They went too far in ganging up on her and the voters responded. Secondly, Hillary's remarks during that misty moment (she didn't cry - she simply misted over a little and her voice quavered a little) but she held fast and basically said that it means so much to her because she has fought all her life for so many things to help families and those in need. and I think that resonated with voters -- particularly women. I'm not saying that this is not going to be a very tough race for both Hillary and Obama. I simply feel she turned a corner as far as the press is concerned. I hope so. Alice

I believe it was real and I do think it helped her because it showed her more human side and not the ice queen persona as she is often portrayed.

Hi Les She appeared surprised to me and while the answer being all about the children which seems to be calculated there is nothing wrong in my opinion with Hillary using it, after all, that's the answer every gop'er has used at some time or other. As for myself I have been seriously worried about the children and what kind of America they are and will be living in, and I really REALLY do wish a Democratic candidate had the chutzpa to say that (and mean it and has a plan to change it- 'cause untill one does I don't see a single candidate who is worth my vote)

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