Sunday, October 28, 2007

Are Dems Next Year's "Slam Dunk?"

Are the Democrats the “Slam Dunk” this Election Season?

Maybe not!

The Republicans are starting to come alive and almost look reanimated.


They have a replacement for Bush.

Although one wonders what they could be thinking.

Standing in the wings is the Bush Clone.


You got it, Rudy.

Increasingly, Rudy is getting to look more like someone as crazed as Bush.

\And if that’s not scary, what is?

I must admit that I fell under his aura when I lived in New York.

Dinkens had let the City go to ruin.

And Rudy promised to get rid of crime.

And he did. That much I’ll give him.

With the appointments of two great Police Commissioners.

But not without alienating half the City.

But at least he got rid of the small time crimes that annoy more than anything else.

Now, we’ve all discovered that his presumed love affair with New York was all pretend.

Rudy didn’t really love New York or the Yankees, Rudy loved Rudy.

And he loved power.

Now, we discover that he loves the idea of War, too.

And that he wants to go to war with Iran….as soon as we are capable of it.

We also discovered that Rudy now makes fun of the New York he claimed to love.

That the only thing that means anything to him is power.

Good-bye all of the old ideals and values that we heard Rudy expound upon for years.

We find out he’s not about a woman’s choice and he, in fact, really hates abortion.

We discover that he’s very flexible on his loyalties.

And more and more he’s mouthing the Conservative rhetoric; this coming from a guy who liked to play a woman on the stage….

But Rudy is talking the good game.

And increasingly he’s sounding like the Bush clone.

So, if the Republican Party wants more of the same,

Rudy is standing in the aisles just waiting to be chosen.

In fact, he’s foaming at the mouth for the opportunity to claim his Executive Privileges….

Increasingly, it is looking that the Conservatives are not going to back
Huckabee who seems to fulfill all of their conservative aspirations; yet the Evangelicals have decided that whilel Huckabee scores well on his conservatism, he doesn’t have a chance of winning. That tells us that the Conservatives are less idealistic than they are committed to winning.

And with Giuliani they just may have a candidate who’s willing to tell them mostly what they want to hear and can’t wait to pick up the wars against Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and whoever else wants to mess with this crazy guy who thinks he qualified to lead the country.

Les Aaron

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