Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Future Lies With the Whipping Boys of the Left

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Will the Liberals/Progressives Emerge as the Saviors of the Democratic Party?

It is clear to me if progressive is a synonym for “weak,” as it is perceived now, we will continue to be the whipping boys of not only the right, but the mainline democrats, the ones who populate the clubs and represent the old guard.

Most of the rank and file who are active in the democratic clubs think that progressives and liberal types are radicalized and out of sync with true democratic values; but even more than that, irrelevant to what the democrats are all about.

The rank and file democrats do not want to be moved from what they consider to be their “centrist” position but the joke is on them, it is not we who are irrelevant but these vestiges of the old guard who see change as an abomination.

And the jokes on them.

Consider the ranks of the active democrats. See any new Hispanics? College graduates? Anybody under fifty years of age joining up?

These are the folks who the Republicans locked up in the last election.

Do we see the jobless, the single women, the Reagan democrats?

Not on your life.

And that means either we're not relating to them; or that they are disconnected from us.

And without them, we are not moving forward.

But, unfortunately, the joke is also on us.

If they don’t stand tall for positive change, by association we are all dead in the water.

What will become of progressive issues?

I’ve been listening to democrat speech making and none of the front runners with the exception of Dennis Kucinich takes up our case and who is considered the longest of long shots.

Nobody is talking about jobs. Nobody is talking about the new Alliance that will further rob us of jobs. No one is trying to take back FastTrack. In fact, the “majority” gave it back to Bush the other day. No one is questioning NAFTA. No one is questioning what is happening with this new three way alliance with Canada and Mexico that is being pushed through by the Republicans behind closed doors. We don’t hear much about energy policy. None of the candidates seem well informed on energy. We don’t hear anything about green cards. We don’t hear much about meaningless policies that are steered by the military industrial complex that works both sides of the aisle. We don’t hear about getting religion out of politics. We don’t hear much about bringing back the Constitution. Or the creation of new opportunities. Or cutting our investment in an antimissile shield that doesn’t work.

These are not only progressive concerns, these are the concerns of rational man.

I go to democratic meetings attended by the same fifty year plus people and never hear a thing about the real world except platitudes that I don’t want to be a party too.

Yes democrats are against war and we are for jobs and the environment.

Apparently, with the structure as is, the dialog ends there.

Where do basic philosophies morph into positive action? Where is the imagination, the brain power to effectuate positive change?

It's not even a matter of speculation, the democratic party is a network of cronies with no view as to the real world or the future.

Sorry, guys. That's the end score. I don't mean to be hard on the party, but if they aren't attuned to the needs of change, than we don't need them.

What we do need is a giant dose of tetesterone to move forward like an inexorable Blitzkrieg to reverse decision after decision made by a very focused Cheney Bush team over the last four years...

And, folks, sorry to say, it ain't happening.

Meanwhile, the Grass Roots hang out there waiting for Godot!

But there is not going to be any miracle that we don't create.

In my opinion, the only way this democratic party can survive, is to kick out the old guard and get some new people in there who don’t mind doing what their predecessors should have done—stand tall without the benefit of polls.

If this party loses this election, it will be their own fault.

And right now, that’s precisely where it’s headed.

If that should happen, you can kiss the democratic party and the two party system good-bye.

There will be another party to take its place.

And this party will want payback.

It’s time for the people to make their feelings known.

If the party fails to represent them, we either have to replace them or start a new party.

End of story.

Les Aaron

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