Sunday, December 10, 2006

Watching the Window...

I think the dems have lost track of one thing.
If they don't act quickly and decisively to deal with the plethora of issues that crowd the docket, then we will be viewed by the voters as part of the problem.
I don't think that this message has gotten through yet.

We have two years or less to come off as the party that solves problems not adds to them. Unfortunately, we have been painted into this corner by the Independents, the disgruntled republicans, the Libertarians and all of the other fence stradddlers who expect us to solve the problems that the republicans have had years to engineer.

If we don't make a difference and quickly, we may find that the solid backing for a democratic presidency may have dissolved in front of our eyes...

Right now, McCain's rankings make him the name to beat and he is sounding what on the surface seems very rational arguments. If it comes down to Clinton or Kerry and McCain, the candidate with the least tarnished background will carry the day. And McCain is still the Vet hero to beat!

The Comission and Bush have not supported his position, therefore, he always has the option of claiming that he was right and no one listened to him.

In every respect, he is ready willing and able to don the mantle of a new Republican party that is moderate, sensible and much more attuned to middle-America and the South. Even the Republican's know that their experiment with extremism was doomed!....

Democrats need to move into high gear and don't have too much time to establish their credentials as the alternative party that speaks for the people.

Will that happen?

We hope so but we also hope that Nancy and her team recognize that they walk a very thin line and that one major mistake can cost them dearly and that could translate into a much closer election in 2008 or even a loss!....

It's up to the rest of us to keep them on target.


Les Aaron

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