Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Shaping The Future Through Convergence

A Future Without "Stuff..."

We have undergone a revolution and don’t know it.

Think about it!

What device that has been around for nearly three hundred years has not only fallen into disuse, it is practically obsolete?

If you said your watch, you are right and perceptive.

The fact is that despite the range of stunning products on the market that do virtually everything from keeping track of the time available on your meter to recording speeds at Olympic events, the watch has become, dare I say it, redundant.

The fact of the matter is that at this particular point in time, it has been superseded by other technology: the cell phone.

Have you noticed when people want the time these days where they turn?

They check their cell phones.


The cell phone is more accurate. I know that; they know that.

So, what do I need a redundant system for to remind me that it is less accurate than my cell phone.

Is that the end of it?.

Hardly. It’s unfortunately only the beginning.

We are a nation poised for convergence. The truth is quite compelling.

We are heading at full speed to integrate all gadgets into one super gadget that will do everything from telling us how to get anywhere on the planet to downloading movies and read our email.

And, if one goes by the new technology developed in the laboratory, we will be able to put this all together into a package that is smaller, lighter in weight and less expensive

than even our most astute futurists might have guessed.

Imagine how those who dabbled in “1’s” and “0’s” in programming the first vacuum tube computers whose central processor alone filled a large room would feel if confronted with such progress today. For many, it is too mind-boggling to contemplate.

In the early days, when there were very few computers around and most of us were toying with abstract notions of mathematical operating systems for some computer-driven world yet to be theorized, it would have been the most arduous of stretches. But, today, we seem well conditioned to change and understand, if only subluminally, that we already inhabit the future and that we are only along for the ride.

Les Aaron

The committee for positive change

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