Sunday, January 29, 2006

Party Backbone Available Cheap!

The book about the book.

A few years back, I had the bright idea of writing a book about taking back the White House. At that point, it was only a fantasy in my own mind. But it just lay there waiting for something to happen like a touch of agita. . I was sure that the Dems would definitely take the White House back in the mid-terms; no need to do anything! . Then I was sure we would prevent a second term for this cabal. But that didn’t happen either. So I fell into a deep bit of despair…

I had to get back to my idea. I had to get back to work because no one else seemed to be doing it.
Make no mistake about it. I still believe that the Dem Party definitely needed help then; and it needs help now! . I was sure of that from my own experience; never have I seen the Party so hide-bound; so cautious about stepping forward with alternative programs of their own; never attacking the lies and the shadings that this government seems to excel in.

I guess I should know. I had been working on and off for various candidates over the years. I had been groomed by Nixon’s nefarious schemes. I never wanted to see his likes in government again. I saw how things could be changed; how the truth could be inverted and how people could be made to believe anything if told enough lies often enough.

The 2000 election was a watershed for me. At that point, I couldn’t take the status quo any longer. Two years before, I had moved to the seashore to fish and laze about. I have been here now five years and I haven’t been to the beach once.

Why? I can’t stand what’s happening to my country under the rubric of conservative politics.
And if I can’t live by ignoring it, then I had to get involved. And therein lies the tale.

It’s about me and the ultimate book of the Democratic Party; maybe the last book!

I thought it would be easy. After all, I had so much of the background information in my head and I basically knew what I wanted to say. And I have had plenty of experience in writing non-fiction; almost forty five years!...Plus, I had some fourteen fiction books that I had written since leaving the service at the beginning of the age of Nixon… So, it seemed it would be clear sailing.

Well, I was partially right. The first draft went swimmingly. Then I started the edit. I guess it’s true you should never edit your own work. I would look at one thing here and figured, “wow, that could use a little fleshing out…” or that point over there I want to make clearer or that argument is a little weak and needs a little embellishing. When I got into that aspect of the wrap-up, I couldn’t put it down. I kept thinking I wanted to add something on subject after subject.

I thought this would turn out to be a fast read primer. Instead what’s it turned out to be is a guide to the way democratic politics should be practiced from the git-go.

I, hopefully, have shed some new ideas on strategies and tactics. I have talked about new approaches. I have focused on marketing and communications, my specific field of expertise. And I have adapted new strategies from management that could be applied to the new Democratic Party that I envision rising like a Phoenix out of the ashes.
I have talked about legislation and issues with essays on each of the burning issues that we face. And I have talked in depth about solutions, about a new view of the world that is badly needed. I have covered jobs, the economy, the War, the environment, global warming, health care, education and everything that I thought was relevant including the crisis in New Orleans and what it portends for the rest of America!

Nor have I been necessarily kind to our existing representatives. Where needed, I have called a spade a spade. I take issue with the candidates, the DNC, Congress and individuals who I consider fair play since they represented our hopes and aspirations. And lastly I have treated the idea of the process of voting per se so that we can have a clean sweap. I am not seeking friendships; just victory for our side.

I talk about framing as well and where it fits into the new mix. In short, I have prepared what I hope will be viewed as a bible that activist Democrats will refer to regularly as they move forward with their programs and platforms to take government back.

It has been a long task. I’ve spent most of my waking time when not otherwise engaged, polishing, adding, refining the text. And I have finally gotten to the point, where I am happy with the way it has developed almost taking on a life of its own…

Now, what do I do with it. I have no interest of making a fortune with this book; in fact, most of the proceeds except for my personal expenses will be used to zap other right candidates who play fast and loose with the truth, who believe that they speak personally with God and that only they know the way to salvation.

In short, I am at War with this view and those who think that the rest of us don’t have the brains to see through their motivations…

I hope to be able to get word to you shortly that I have the book in publication.

If anyone’s interested, they may contact me directly for more information. Or contact me anyway since I’ve got a bunch of other projects in the works where I need some committed dems to help out.

In the meantime, keep up the good fight!

Best wishes,

Les Aaron
The HubmasterPolitics Blog Top Sites


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