Saturday, January 07, 2006

Jobs: The Myth That Morphed Into Fact.

Here We Go Again!...

Bush is trying to gild a lily when he claims that the economy is doing great!

As evidence of his robust economy, our Chief Embellisher points to the creation of 2 million jobs in 2005.

But the truth is that tax cuts are clearly not the answer.

In the last recovery, the economy was about 100% ahead of where we
are at this point in the recovery.

That's why Bush cherry-picked around the job statistics that were just
Released looking to put a good spin on not so good numbers..

Nor does the low unemployment figures bandied about enhance the picture. Why? They do not reflect those whose benefits have run out or those who have given
up the job search altogether.

Moreover, 2 million new jobs doesn't tell us very much.

What are those jobs? Are they seasonal? Are they part-time, minimum wage? See. Once you start asking the hard questions, things get a lot murkier real quick!

In the last spate of economic reports at summer's end, we learned that most of the
jobs created were actually filled by immigrant workers. That tells us that
the jobs being touted were simply minimum wage jobs that the main work force is
not interested in filling because they are other minimum wage, part time or involve
doing distasteful work.

More and more, we cannot look forward to the government to level with us about the true state of the economy. And that's without even discussing the trillion dollar debt that continues to hang over the head of each and every one of us.

Where do we go from here? Who’s willing to go head to head with the ‘fixers’ at the top? Who’s willing to tell the truth: That things are a lot bleaker than we’ve been told and that Bush’s notion of tax-cuts to get the economy moving is simply another example of myth that has taken on the appearance of fact.

Enough said.

Les Aaron
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