Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I ask myself what the heck is the value of a Blog. Why am I putting in all of this work when the likelihood is that only a fraction of the people I want to talk to will read it?

And I answered my own question: It is to keep me from kicking in the TV again and yelling at the dog. It is to keep me from barking at my kids and keeps me from foaming at the mouth or causing normal people to react in horror as they scatter to the four winds. In short, It is therapy of the highest order.

It allows you to say what's on your mind and the Hell with what anybody thinks about it. If they don’t like it, they don’t have to read it. And since nobody is paying you and since nobody is editing your words, you're free as a bird to call it the way you see it. Do you understand what I am saying? If you want to know honest feelings, nothing can compare with a Blog.

But there’s something else involved here. What we are talking about is catharsis. I can be as nasty or as nice as I want to whomever I want and what are they going to do to me? The Blog is better than Freudian therapy. It’s better than punching the wall out. It’s better than telling off your boss. That’s because it allows you to do it all. The fact of the matter is that today, there are a lot of things to get you talking to yourself. All you need to do is pick up the newspaper. In the past, I would then go to my manual typewriter and produce a letter which may or may not have made it into the media. It would have taken literally weeks to get my pound of flesh.

Now, I get immediate satisfaction. That’s catharsis for me and others like me.

If I get ticked off at something, I can open my Blog and go at it. And if I am really upset, I can send my blog to a couple of thousand willing readers with the simple flip of a button. You can’t have faster or more gratifying reaction than that.

If you find your blood pressure going up? If your doctor is telling you that you react to real events—and who doesn’t, maybe you are a prime prospect for a Blog. Maybe a simple thing like a Blog will keep you from divorce court. Maybe it will keep you from having a law suit with your neighbor who resented you dumping all of your garbage on his side of the fence. Maybe a Blog will keep you civil; and maybe it will protect you from overheating or exploding.

If it has the potential to do all these things, don't you think that maybe you should look into your own Blog. Of course, you have to seriously believe that you have something to say. You really have to believe that if you don't say those things, the world will stop dead in its tracks and spin backwards!... That if you don't get those thoughts out of your system, your system will decay immediately and you will be on your way to dry rot of the worst kind!...

Want to know whether a Blog is right for you? Drop me a line. We’ll even include some of the more interesting questions…

In the meantime, get a hobby. Go fishing. Take the dog for a walk. Go to a craft fare. Collect stamps. Anything. Kicking in the TV is an expensive form of therapy….and I don’t recommend it. But in lieu of a Blog, it sure as Hell makes me feel good!

Email me at

And be sure to see what you can do if you feel no constraints on you and that your warden isn't looking!

Stop by, look around and feel free to do what I'm doing....

Who knows? We may even become friends?


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