Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Backing Away From Cowboy Support

Okay, the hand writing is on the wall. Nobody will speak to it but the hug of Bush before an election could just turn literally into the "kiss of death." This is what we just saw in yesterday's election. Just look what happened in the very red state of Virginia when Bush went out of his way to associate himself with the Republican candidate. The guy came away grievously wounded. If you were a Republican, wouldn't you be running away from any offers of presidential help?

Therefore, I predict that based on the Democratic wins in Virginia and New Jersey despite all of the mud-slinging (and you can't count New York because in his heart of hearts, Bloomberg is a dem), you will see moderate Republicans surfacing again and trying to disassociate themselves from the 'compassionate one."

Will it work?

Well, in the lexicon of your average layman, it can't hurt. And it's a heck of a lot better than falling on your sword for someone who is facing a nightmare that can only get worse over the next three years. Next year, will be telling. Republicans will be up for reelection in districts all over the country. And that's when the results of the investigations of Libby and others will be naming names and placing blame.

Add to that, the fact that the American people are finally starting to wake up to this government's inefficiency, its corruption and its inability to improve the lives of American citizens!

Of course, all of this speaks well for change! And if nothing else, I predict that change will be inevitable. In the meantime, with people discovering that things didn't change whether Bush was in Texas or in DC, he will become government's fifth wheel, somebody who you can't believe in to deliver the goods no matter what he says or what he promises. In light of the truisms that are coming to light, don't expect to see changes in Social Security. This was always a touchy issue and now nobody will believe his motives. Forget any of the pet projects he was working on except for drilling in the Arctic which may go through for reasons that are baffling to even the most pedestrian minds.

In the end, the American people will show their cohesiveness and independence of mind and vote this scoundrel and all of its crooked cohorts out and then maybe once again we can start to believe that we have a future, a future that makes sense for America.

Amen to that, my friends.

In the meantime, none of us should take anything for granted and put our shoulder to the wheel to make sure that change is the product of our own commitment and hard work. Or underestimate this cabal's willingness to expose us to any risk any danger to keep themselves in power! This is my major concern as we move forward on the road to change.

See you at the protests and the meetings!

Best wishes,

Les Aaron
http:lesaaron.blogspot.comPolitics Blog Top Sites


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