In the War for Democracy, the Machines Have Won!
It has been a bloodless coup. The religious monarchy is supreme.
We see their self-aggrandising footprints all around.
There is little sign of the Opposition party.
We all lay low hoping that a miracle will allow us to survive to another election.
Yet, how many are doing anything to supplant the orthodoxy of the present?
What we see is more of the same. It seems that we have yet to learn that to beat the party in power, we need to think outside the box. We have yet to admit that we are all in this together and that the "other side" has had thirty five years to learn the power of persuasion and how to use the media to achieve very narrow goals.
But nobody is even talking about the challenge. And how we prepare for it and that's what's so unnerving. Nor do we even hear any sign of strong opposition to what comes out of Washington: mostly blather, misdirection, hype and obfuscation. Yet, nobody calls a spade a spade. We are being subjected to a daily dose of lies designed to blind us to the reality of government by fiat.
And what are we doing about it? Zip! Nada! Nothing!
Admittedly, it's three years away; but there is a mid-term election.
What new ideas have you heard; What new ideas have been battered around that gives us a basis for aggressively taking back our country?
Not many. The best, of course, is understanding framing. The architect of this concept makes good sense and the concept and the strategy it describes is important and meaningful but has anybody used it yet?
Not to my knowledge.
In fact, I have yet to hear anyone in authority stand up to the White House's congressional blitz.
In the end, it will be one of two forces that survive: The people or the machines.
To date, the machines have either eschewed others from voting or reordered the data only proving as the president of Diebold suggested, that he "would do anything to win." And he has. Right now, the machines are winning and we, the people, have failed to change the ground rules. As a result, unless some new thinking emerges, it appears as if the status quo rules and inertia rather than intelligent input will determine our futures....
Clearly, nothing new in the Land of Alice....
Les Aaron
The Armchair Curmudgeon
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