Tuesday, September 27, 2005

What Goes Around Comes Around

According to CNN Jack Cafferty the Bush team is under the gun in Time's latest issue., Time magazine, typically conservative and in the past committed to the presidency of Bush, reports on the cronyism that has been a hallmark of this government since its inception. My own forays into the records have demonstrated that this government has a history of putting people who are 100% mismatched for their jobs into high Cabinet appointments beginning with the FDA and moving forward into the Department of the Interior. I have shouted this to every magazine and newspaper for five years and no one would listen! I also stated that If you are not hack by the time you were appointed by Bush &Co, you would be guaranteed to become one if you stay on... It is consistent with the image of a White House that cannot tolerate a strong department head or underlings that don't play the kiss up game. Now, at last, about five years after I commented about this remarkable inept Cabinet ( Christy Whitman was an exception; although she screwed up New Jersey when she was governor she at least had a modicum of common sense and integrity. OF course, Bush would never respond to her or any of her memos and eventually unceremoniously dumped her for being too forthcoming. ) And of course, we all know whatPowell became after kowtowing to the Cheerleader of record. The FDA was no exception filling its vacancies with people from the industries they were supposed to monitor and so on including putting a pro-industry hack to monitor the Interior Department. In every way, an escalating crew of mediocrities that have no equal in any government before-- whether Republican or Democrat. To think that Time magazine whose subscriptions I have routinely cancelled, is picking up the standard reflects that even these toadies know when to escape a sinking ship. Signs of the time....Now, maybe the Washington Post or the paper of record, the NY Times' editorial board will say something... But for me that was the hand-writing on the wall and a watershed of a government that is finished. Kaput! Only they don't know it yet! When the bills come due from NO and Congress has to go ask for more money to fight the war in Iraq, guess what's going to happen? Stay tuned, folks, it can only get better from here on out!


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