Thursday, September 29, 2005

Honesty And Integrity Take A Pass...

Boy, what a wonderful government we have. Last week, a friend of Bush's and a key official in the government purchasing office was incriminated for misdeeds.. Next, Mike Brown is relieved from his job for his inability to run his department and his failure to help people abandoned in the wake of the storm; then in the biggest breach of honesty and integrity, he is rehired under the table to serve as a consultant for the same agency. Bill Frist, Senate Majority Leader, is now under investigation for insider knowledge and trading. No, he tells us, he didn't know a thing about his family's company doing poorly in the next financial report. It just came to him through his most recent seance. And now, the Republican's House Majority Leader, Tom Delay is being charged with criminal conspiracy. Tom Delay has mastered the art of telling the big lie with a straight face. And claims that he is innocent. Of course, it is the democrats who set him up! This all happened in under three weeks. And these are the guys who are running government.

Remember Newt Gingrich with his Contract with America where he took a position against the Democrats for being corrupt. Well, Mr. Gingrich, never motivated by setting a good example worked a deal with Murdoch who got to grab up more media opportunities in exchange for a big advance on the book. And this all happened in the public eye; and nobody mentioned that his tactics didn't exactly set an example for honesty and integrity. . And you know what it dealt with? Restoring honesty and integrity to government. Gingrich promoted term limits and restraints. So, look what happened. With term limits, the incoming Republicans realized that they would have to steal faster and that's precisely what they did. Now, they only four years to do the stealing they normally could have done in eight years...
And I am not even going to mention the kickbacks, the pork that allows the Republican representative from Alaska to build a bridge for nearly 500 million dollars to connect four people to the mainland. Give me a break! Now, we are going to help the Iraqis with a health plan when we don't even have one ourselves. Meanwhile all of our jobs go overseas thanks to the collusion between this government and the private sector. And let us not forget the extreme right wing making a bundle on bombs and ammo to keep the war going as our special interest government doles out noncompetitive contracts to companies like Haliburton or Brown and Root, a subdivision, while at the same time, these Cheney connected companies cash in on the money they made under the table for setting up Iran's nuclear capability.
Nor is the president or his family immune; nor the officials from Reagan's administration who conspired to work deal after deal with their Arab buddies through the "let's pretend" objective business interests of the Carlyle Group where dad racks it in. Last but not least should we forget Mrs. Bush's gratuitous remarks about how lucky those evacuated are to be sharing in Houston hospitality. Yeah, give me a break. How could this be going on with any pretense of legality is beyond imagination. Every single prosecutor in America; every single Democrat should resign for their failure to stand up and be counted and by saying nothing to allow these kind of abuses to go on endlessly. Right now, America is the last place that we can look for honest government.


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