Friday, August 12, 2005

The Power of One!

The Power of One

If you ever doubted the power of one, your faith must be restored upon reading about the vigil of this courageous woman who lost her son in Iraq. "Lost" is a contemptible euphemism. The truth was that her son was killed for no reason in this mindless War that has no justification; a War for oil and grudge-settling. A war that they tried to convince us was necessary to keep terrorism from our door.

This brave woman now stands as a symbol for all of us to take courage from and to inspire us. She is the Joan of Arc who crystalizes all of our feelings in her humble and article pleas that remain unanswered. Compare this: One small, frail woman who is not afraid to speak up and a president who cowers behind barbed wire who will not come out and meet with her mano-a-mano so to speak.


Why is it this man who can send hundreds of thousands of our best and brightest to fight and die without blinking an eye can be so intimidated by one little woman who only wants to know why her son was sent into harm's way.
The answer is simple: . Because she has right on her side. Perhaps that little voice tells him that it is time to hide again because truth is catching up with him.

Casey Sheehan may ultimately serve unwittingly as a litmus test for the rest of us; to remind us to examine our own motivations, our own willingness to look inside ourselves to see what makes us human beings.. And ask if we would have the courage to do what she is doing.

As each day passes into evening without the president according a moment of his precious time taken away from fishing, golf and TV, to console this woman is more evidence of what this man is made of. And what we find is someone who fails the test of a man. Someone who runs from confrontation as we saw during 9/11.. A hollow man with nothing inside. No character. No center. A man who does not read. Who does not think. A man who takes pride in knowing nothing. Is this whom we've chosen to go to the ends of the earth for? Why? What is wrong with us as a people? Ask yourselves what great sacrifices has this person made in the wake of this war? Has he given one drop of blood to a needy service man? Has he lost one hour of his precious sleep thinking about those other parents whose children lost limbs or their lives in a needless fight to prove nothing?

Rapidly, we are reaching a cross-roads. And from out of nowhere, one small woman with no abs, no musculature is showing us more courage than all of our drug taking athletes combined. This humble being who just wants answers makes should make all of our elected officials feel shame for their cowardice.

On the old Greek Islands like Minos, every year the King had to come forward and show that he deserved the confidence of the people. Maybe not a bad idea today either.

Les Aaron

See much, much more at my website:


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