Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Economic Juggernaut to Supplant 200 Years of Democracy

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The Armchair Curmudgeon

March 27, 2007

A Replacement Model for America Without Protections?

Do you smell that?

There is a strange cloying odor descending on us from the direction of the White House…

Quite clearly, there is something foul in the air that we have not been told about--something that wreeks of s. kullduggery and perfidy.

Something that wears the happy face to cover up a frightening prospect that some say could change our world.

Something that has the waters of the Potomic spinning out of control in anticipation of a feeding frenzy.

Something that is currently operating under a black cloud of deception that demands answers; but none are forthcoming..

This “thing” It is the Hanger 51 of Bush policy; something we’re told doesn’t exist but we see evidence of it everywhere. Something that bears the most innocuous of names to keep us off guard but poses the danger of replacing all the safeguards and oversight that has been at the core of the democratic model for more than two centuries..

And judging from what we know, it is growing like the Blob, and is reaching a point where it may no longer be contained.

For years now, we have had hints of something brewing.

The French socialists have warned us about it more than a dozen years ago.. There have been articles and books about it in Europe. And clandestine groups like the Bilderbergers and the Council on Foreign Relations have been implicated in this mysterious enterprise... Even Bush Sr. has hinted at it.

But we are no better informed now then we were then.

What I am referring to is the physical manifestation of the New World Order writ large, an amalgam of North American countries including Mexico, Canada and the US into a Super-Entity, something that those complicit in its birth refer innocuously as the Security and Posperity Partnership. On the surface, as innocuous a confederation as anyone might conceive, but below the surface, the potential for reengineering everything that makes America America is very real and very threatening to the very notion of democracy and western hegemony..

Economic leaders and government officials, blatently in bed together, repeat that what they are involved with is a new security partnership that will make America safer. It must be noted that they say this with a straight face. However, most of us are no longer taken in by fancy innocuous-sounding words and phrases like“down-sizing,” “off-shoring,” and “Clean Air” that seem to seem so bland and noncommittal but as we’ve learned, can be life-transforming.

The power of the word was not lost on the likes of Lee Atwater, the architect of of using psychology, language and mind control to control, influence and shape perceptions in the world of politics. This technique is now being used to shape an economic powerhouse that nobody is willing to talk about.

And therein lies our concerns..

What we do know is that this is much bigger than the government would have us believe. Many are afraid that the governments’ of Mexico and Canada and the United States are hard at work building not just a union for protection, but an economic juggernaut. A juggernaut that has its beginnings in NAFTA, an economic agreement that has changed our conception of how economic agreements are configured inside of a democracy. For the first time, we were asked to buy a new trade agreement with blinders on; not understanding how NAFTA truly operated to remove non-economic forces from the decision process.

Bush tells us that the new Partnership is about security for North America. But doesn’t fill in the blanks. And if you believe what he says, he will tell you its about anti-terrorism. In effect, what they infer is that this new agreement will improve our protection against terrorists. Despite that extravagant claim, nobody mentions the fact that we have not even demonstrated the ability to cover our own borders much less an economic block the size of North America…

So, what’s wrong with the picture?

The problem is that this burgeoning economic Blob will suddenly appear full grown and we may find it hard to stop; moreover, from what has been revealed, it would operate autonomously, without oversight or control. That’s the point: It will operate within and without our borders and we will not be able to control it.. For the first time, an economic unit with vast tentacles north and south would be able to operate without conforming to rules, laws, policies that were framed to protect the people. America would simply be irrelevant to this economic model which would exist for one thing: profits. In effect, this mega-unit becomes a sci-fi interpretation of a corporation on steroids that devours the world.

But is this real or only a joke. We wish it were only a joke. The fact is that already more than 150 giant companies have signed up to participate and that is only the tip of the iceberg.

The physical aspects of this juggernaut include multiple multi-lane giant highways that will sweep north and south facilitating the movement of product—and people—north and south bypassing our government and the rule of law. The potential for conflict cannot even be fathomed.

Judging by the little that’s leaked out. , under the new system, there will be no oversight; there will be relief from taxes; there will be no rules governing how these players will operate on what we had always considered American turf. America will be America without control of its assets, its underlying businesses that will now operate in some unknown ether that inverts the notion of a democracy, protecting the asset over the American people.

As near as we can tell, this is the closest thing that we have observed that comes close to crystallizing the concept of the New World Order referred to by the Bush family.. We understand from other reports that the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderbergers are intimately involved with the workings of this supra-secret, super economic unit that Bush&Company view as the unit that will ultimately replace government…and that by itself should trigger our whole inventory of red lights..

Let us not lose sight of the fact that Bush & Company have promulgated the most radical of Republican theories that suggest that there is no need for government; no need for taxes. Although government has grown faster under Reagan, Bush Sr and Junior and as a result of their self-serving policies, we stand to be up to our necks in debt for the next several decades, make no mistake about it: the Security and Prosperity Partnership represents the republican economic model for the future.

And while this is only a summary of lots of speculation and very little fact that has managed to surface at this time, the challenge is clearly there and the Courts may ultimately have to decide whether our leadership has been disloyal to the country it has sworn to serve; nevertheless, the gauntlet has been laid down and how we respond to it now will clearly determine what our futures will be.

It is certain, however, that our Congress must take on the onerous task of learning everything about the potential for damage possessed by this building economic juggernaut before it is let loose. Otherwise, we may preside over an America that will move from SuperPower to Colony to a land mass governed by Washington without resources or control of what happens to business and industry within its borders , and consequently at the mercy of these new Robber Barons…

We must therefore respond To the cowboy challenge. Are we “with ‘em” or “against ‘em?”

Les Aaron


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