Sunday, March 25, 2007

Are We Candidates for the "Dead Dog" Society

A detective story unfolding describes the pursuit of the culprit in the recent investigation by Cornell University of the source of the toxin that has been implicated in the death of more than a dozen pets in America.

The Canadian pet food company held responsible, which ships to retail stores around America under some ninety different brand names, revealed that it had switched suppliers for an essential ingredient. This ingredien, gluten, was being provided by a Chinese source. Here’s the kicker:

It turns out, this same Chinese source uses rat poison in the field as a pesticide.

According to the US government, food products, or products used in food, must be separated into human and non-human grades before they are accepted for import.
However, and here’s the small print, more than 80% of imported foods are not tested or subjected to analysis before they are distributed to food suppliers.

If a red light is flashing, don’t feel like the Lone Ranger.

This could be a time bomb clicking for Americans and the loss of our pets should be viewed as the canaries in the miner’s lamp.

It is unfathomable to most rational thinking people that this country would allow imports into this country without steady and comprehensive testing.

This failing on the part of government shows neglect at the highest level and the dangers of rewarding unqualified people with high level positions. It is imperative that the appropriate agency should be called to task for allowing such violations of the public trust to continue unabated. It is the Katrina effect writ large!

Americans need to press their representatives to legislate for immediate change to prevent contaminated foods from entering our country and for much stricter measures domestically in the inspection and monitoring of all food products. In the meantime, all of the gluten in the US imported from China, whether human or animal grade, should be considered suspect and banned immediately!

Les Aaron
The Armchair Curmudgeon


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