Monday, February 05, 2007

Are We Better Off Now?

The Sad Truth:

This government is nude without its war de jour, the smokescreen that allows it to operate in the dark in order to “protect American interests.”

One wonders what precisely are those American interests? They certainly have little to do with the one thing that would seem to be most important to those seeking to protect us: Shoring up our borders and keeping our ports safe.

A young man by the name of Kelly who was appointed from his job with the Coast Guard and as a teacher was brought on for just such a task. To focus on what needs to be done. In short, he is not only disappointed but so depressed about the failures of America to seize the initiative, he has written a stark tome that elucidates the truth if only we could handle it.

And, now, a quick view of where we stand six years after the fact.

Six years ago, we had the worst terrorist event in our nations experience.

And what did we do?

We attacked Afghanistan and we attacked Iraq.

The first war made sense; the second allowed Bush to show love for his mother and emerge from the shadow of his father. Sadly, neither of these reasons are sufficient to send young men and women to die for your Freudian problems while the real culprits, the terrorists who brought down the WTC get away from you….

Nor has anything been done to deal with the original problems.

The first responders still don’t have inter-departmental communications that work! While police dogs in the mid-west got police vests!...

How about the borders?

Our borders are increasingly porous! but we're making great headway on building the Canadian Mexico US highway with no barriers; but free sailing; this should keep us safer...

We still talk about leasing our highways and our ports!

We still do not examine incoming containers. And more of them come in every day since we traded our economic advantage in order to become a banana republic to make our rich even richer!

What we do know is that these are the easy ways for terrorists to pass weapons into our country and threaten our hegemony.

We also know that Terrorists can buy nuclear materials at bargain rates since our deaf. Dumb and blind government didn’t clean them up when they originally took office and had the chance..

And we know that the Terrorist habit is to make a big bang to show clever they are and to immobilize the enemy.

Put it all together.

You can get nuclear materials in bomb form into the country; you can awaken cells;you know where you can these dirty bombs to do the most damage. So what are they waiting for?

Some say it was in order to get permission from the great clerics of Islam.

Guess what? They already have the permission to destroy the great Evil of the West.

Can you imagine what would happen if the Terrorists put nuclear dirty weapons at the cross roads of six of our biggest cities.

We would be out of business bigtime.

I keep asking myself why do we pay hundreds of billions of dollars to maintain a CIA and an FBI that is so incapable of figuring these things out and a government that does nothing to solve the problems we face. I’ve dealt with the FBI before; I’ve given them information; I’ve given information to the 9/11 Commission. You know what I got back: Not so much as a thank you.

Wouldn’t or shouldn’t the media say something about these probabilities that seem more real now than ever?

Shouldn’t the public rise up and say “Do you bloody idiots know what the hell you are doing?”

A democracy does not go far when its people will not stand up—even to save their own lives.

It’s a bloody shame.

Les Aaron

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