Monday, February 05, 2007

Ralph The Spoiler is Back!

Darth ready to destroy the Universe again!

It seems Ralph has become more and more surreal in proportion to his metastasizing ego that seems ready to absorb Hollywood, the media and all his opponents.

As one who was a real fan when he was slamming Detroit for turning out junk and passing them off as "safe havens" for your family, he deserved the accolades then; now, he is viewed simply as an egoistic spoiler who not unlike Bush but with different motives suggests to the rest of us that it is his way or the highway.

Two superegos at opposite polls.

I polled Mark Green, his old accolade, and one who has never managed to seize the gold ring in New York's competitive elections and Mark didn't know what to make of it suggesting that perhaps ego has been fed by a growing coterie of the faithful who see him as the Pied Piper of Righteousness. And maybe that's it.

For the rest of us, who will not forget where Ralph's hypocrisy lies, we see Ralph as the one who can make a difference and did so for us when he acquired that political edge that was just big enough to deny the rest of us what was ours. Ralph proved our nemesis and then and there I decided that while I support green things, I could not support Ralph ever. It's hard to like people who consider themselves geniuses in their own mind; who are too unreachable, too disinclined to change their views based on reality.

For now, I suspect, Ralph continues to thrive on making trouble if he can gather the numbers. For myself and folks like Mark Green, we'll just sit on the sidelines and wonder how we allowed this self aggrandizing self professed saviour to change the election outcome, to knowledgeably allow the worst president ever to emerge again if only for the sake of his uncontrollable ego!


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