The Truth We Do Not Want to Know...
Here’s the truth. If you don’t want to hear it, read no further.
It will leave you with sleepless nights and migraines.
But to ignore the truth, is to lay down like slaughtered sheep...
We are an optimistic people, almost childlike in our optimism. That was one of the reasons that we could not anticipate what happened with the WTC…
We just didn’t have the ability to imagine it….even though what was happened was part of a plot hatched fifty years before in a jail in Egypt.
The Islamic group responsible for such a disaster on such a scale was unimaginable.
Now, five years has passed and the progress designed to make ourselves safer seems somehow oh so prosaic; we are good at doing the "minimums" and then convincing ourselves that that is enough of a sacrifice which translates into a rationalization that suggests that we really don’t believe anything on the scale of 9/11 might ever happen again.
But mark these words, it will happen again because Islam knows that it can happen again. Further, they know that we don’t have the patience to do what’s needed or the commitment—even to what amounts to our own safety.
For those who think it won’t happen again, ask yourself have we examined all of the possibilities given the realities of the technology, the money the know-how possessed by the side that wants to teach us the most profound lesson at any cost. Do you think that they will stop with the WTC and if they can do something worse with a greater impact that they would not take it on? ,
Whether we are talking about Johannesburg, the Cole, or the WTC, these were well-planned efforts involving those with the will spurred on by private money and hatred of the west. The terrorists practiced, bought flight simulator on the open market, took trips everywhere,
And even went to flight school to better us. What additional convincing do we need as to their commitment, their organization, their financial ability?
Do we think that they won’t do as much?
I predict that the next attack will be one that we may not so easily emerge from.
We must steel ourselves for the worst eventuality.
What could that be? What possibly could they do that's worse?
Well, through our own casual attitudes despite the warning of the Clinton administration, it was possible to buy on the market enriched materials that could be used to build suit-case sized “dirty bombs…”
When Bush was warned, there were 600,000 metric tons on the open market that anyone could buy if they had the knowledge, intent and money to buy it and use it..
Well, thanks to the technical assistance of Pakistan, the wealth of the Arab princes who truly hate us but accept our money and the intent of those who are so inclined to punish us for our “godlessness” we are likely to be the victims of dirty bombs.
What leads to that conclusion?
300,000 metric tons of enriched materials are missing….
And no one seems to want to know what happened to that volume of dangerous material.
As a result, it is safe to assume that at least one dirty bomb has been created through the combined skills of Russian or Pakistani scientists and the available technology on the open market. Remember, these are not nuclear bombs but just devices that are not nuclear but conventional but will, however, scatter radiation in a diameter of ten or fifteen miles rendering an area the size of downtown Washington unusable for decades...
It is also likely supposition that whomever has assembled one bomb, has assembled more.
We have seen the pattern and to induce panic, the terrorists never go for one incident but attempt to link a series of incidents so that they will contribute to a feeling of chaos and hopelessness and scatter destruction over a vast area.
But if the above is a reasonable assumption—and certainly all the parts of the equation are doable—what are we doing to defend ourselves against such an eventuality. Shouldn't we be doing everything in our understanding to protect the people?.
The painful answer: We have not even considered the problem.
Why? Is it because the terrorists are too rational? Because they don't have the understanding? the money? The will?
We know that none of these things is an obstacle to Islamic intentions.
They have the will; they have the money; they have the hatred; but most of all, they have the ability to make it happen.
So why in everything we see and do, we deny that possibility. Shouldn't we be asking our leaders why we are not considering something much worse than we've seen to date? Why we are not putting our money to work helping ourselves; not digging a bigger hole in Iraq..
At the very least, we need is back up and support for such an eventuality assuming that if it were to happen, and there is every likelihood that it will happen, that it will not shut us down as a country. We must go on. And we must prepare for that kind of eventuality.
And while we're about it, do not count on the FBI or the CIA to add much illumination. They have been out of the loop on ever development besides their boots on the ground and their access to information resources that boggle the mind.
If the terrorists are smart, they will look to paralyze our computer networks, destroy our infrastructure, bring down our banking system and paralyze us.
Do we think that they are not capable of thinking these thoughts?
Moreover, if such an expansion beyond 9/11 is not beyond their thinking, what have we done to steel the will of the people to survive; to provide them with sufficient infrastructure to get by until all services are restored; to build redundancy into everything so that if one thing goes down, something will go online to replace it and do that across the board.
The imperative is to get to work to find the kind of abstract thinkers and logicians like the ones the Brits employed during the SEcond World War to figure out what the Germans were doing. It goes without saying that we need to have thinkers who are capable of transcending the solutions that are now being proferred. In terms of funding, we need to look seriously at Congress and admonish them for looking to our funds for survival as a deep pot to fulfill their own pork objectives and impose upon them the utter seriousness of their role in protecting American targets.
In short, we need a drastic overhaul of government. We need a government that is alert and attuned to the real world. This one judging by its vacuous comments and positions seems to take its cues right out of Alice's world; it simply does not and cannot provide the kind of reassurance that they will be able to anticipate the future and what needs to be done to provide the level of protection America needs if we are to survive as a people.
If you can imagine something ten times worse then befell us on 9/11, you can begin to understand the cautions and the concerns of the 9/11 commission that warned us that we have not taken seriously their recommendations and, now, five years later, we are not really as safe as we need to be...and the reason is that the government has failed in its obligations and commitment to the American people.
Every day that goes by, unfortunately, put us one day nearer the realization of the terrorists goals and we seem to drag our heels and seem to announce to the world a failure of vision to see or contemplate the future.
Les Aaron
Planner and Futurist
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