5th Anniversary of 9/11 Coming Up and We Still Have Questions...
Fifth Anniversary of 9/11.
What are we going to do about it?
Does everyone believe the findings of the Commission?
Does anyone have any questions about the attack on the Pentagon? ie. the fact that no wings or parts turned up. Or that stainless steel and titanium engines each 12 feet long completely disappeared without a trace. Or that nobody's seen any remains.
In any similiar occurence of a plane colliding with the earth and hitting lamp posts, wings and parts were sheared off; not in this occurrence.
Does anyone have trouble with the crash in Pennsylvania? Where were the remains for example. The only result seems a twelve foot hole and some burn marks; there is no collision of such an aircraft where the impact points seems so different from the collision in Pennsylvania. And where are the remains? Where are the black boxes that are virtually indestructable?
How did building 7 of the WTC go down since it wasn't directly hit?
Why did the phone messages on the flite where the passengers took over seem so formal, so unbelievable?
Why was their no report from the special commission formed by the CIA to look into charges of the upcoming attack?
Why did NORAD conduct tests of an attack on both the WTC and the Pentagon within 12 months of the actual attack and why did Secretary Rice say that nobody could have expected such an event many months after the actual attack?
Why did they not examine the records in the files of the 93 attackers of the WTC when they contained evidence that the WTC was a high priority target?
Why did they let the other two conspirators go?
Why did they ground all of the airplanes the day after and then let all of the Saudis go without investigation even after the fact that 17 of the 19 attackers were Saudis?
Why did Freeh the head of the FBI continue to assign his top agents to investigating Clinton even though a threat was made on this country?
Why did the president in the wake of a report saying that New York was an imminent target continue to plan for his vacation through out the month of August?
Why did the president and the vice president agree to be interviewed together and that no notes would be taken of their hearing?
Why did it take more than a year to investigate the WTC when the investigation of Pearl Harbor was completed in less time than it took us to begin an inquiry?
Why were air exercises conducted on the same day as the attack?
Why were the jets that normally protect DC flown more than 160 miles away for a special exercise?
Why did the FBI refuse to follow up on a group of Saudis who were just taking flying lessons and only wanted to take off and not to land?
Why was nothing done when terrorists had tried to take over airlines in South East Asia; Why did we not immediately go on an alert and harden our defenses?
Why were these issues never fully addressed at the hearings?
And why do we so placcidly accept all of the crap that this government hands out?
Pass these thoughts around to your friends and see what comes of it...
Les Aaron
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