Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Last Table

If you ever been to a wedding at any time or any place, it is always a comfort to see that last table in the back reserved for the old-timers. They are the score-card; they keep things in balance; and we always know that Uncle Charlie or Aunt Jen are there to fall back on. They are the rock that endures...

Why do I bring this up?

Because the last time I looked, there is no table with the behind us anymore. In fact, there is no one. There is no fourth estate. THere is no government that stands up for the people. The senior statesmen of our society have been silenced. And you are "either with us, or against us!" In effect, we are the rear table; we are the voices of sanity and common sense.
And we are the only one's left to speak up.

In the end, this is clearly a dangerous enterprise.

When Nixon was president, he saw the world from his own deluded limited perspective. The difference between Nixon's day and today is that most people didn't buy into it; nor did he have the full support of the media or control Congress the way this president does.

Today, there are think tanks underwritten by vast conservative interests who do nothing but uphold the status quo!...Today, there is no separation between business and government. Today, there is no independent media voice that tells the people all of the facts.

We are, indeed, in big trouble, because the population in the rush to take care of the needs of the family are fundamentally detached from what is going on and tend to buy into the rhetoric.

As a result, we, those of us who have been labelled as soft on defense, are the only one's left to get out the message and tell it like it is.

It is as if everyone who counts is an unthinking clone who is programmed to stand tough and go the distance!--even if it is wrong; even if it wrecking the America we know and love.

We are all that stands between truth and the people.

We are the ultimate litmus test and if we are silenced, it's good by America!

Something to think about as we argue among ourselves about what is right for us to do...and how to do it.

It's us or the highway! If we forget that, all is lost!

Les Aaron


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