Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The "I" Word!

This time we’re not talking about college interns…

They have done the deed.
The have mentioned the “I” Word.
It is as if it is being tested all over town to see what the reaction would be.
Would their heads be chopped off for even hinting at such things?.
Tonight, on CNN, they mentioned it too, reporting that “the word” has been popping up all over town. Gary Trudeau mentioned it in a recent column where the misdeeds of Clinton for telling a teeny little white lie were compared to the multiple misdeeds of the present occupant; there was no contest. It was mentioned the way TB used to be mentioned in the thirties—something that people only spoke about in hushed words.. But the “I” Word was beginning to loom large. People were found whispering to each other, exchanging meaningful glances and sly winks.

Now that we know that tolerance for the word is spreading, the big question is there movement in the Impeachment direction? That is what nobody knows…but it seems almost as if two parallel vectors destined never to cross paths are set to collide: And the impossible event—an event considered not even thought-worthy less than a year ago is being discussed with impunity in ever broadening circles around town and around the country in places where “influentials” gather to swap stories. And, oddly enough, a lot of these influentials are Republican rain makers!....

The “loyalists”, on the other hand, are still trying to muster their Battle of the Bulge—their return from defeat with some uncanny reasoning…
One strategy has it that considering the threat of Impeachment now—before the election—may be a good thing; that Republicans when confronted with such a reality will rally around their wounded leader like drones around their Queen.
And that would be a good thing before the democrats become the majority in Congress!
Because deep down, every Republican including those who took pride in beating the daylights out of Dems during Congressional sessions, know that as sure as night follows day, there will be retribution for the actions that brought Clinton down for hardly more than a civil infraction—something personal that should never have attracted the attention or time that it did!...

How will all this play out?

Who can say. But one thing is of real interest. Only months ago, no one would have admitted that the “I” word would be making its appearance again so soon!

And what is worse for Republicans is the fact that Americans do not seem to be squeamish about using the word. Moreover, the crumbling of this administration continues unabated rivaling the falling survey numbers…

The bottom line is that the Republican back field, the real “heavies,” seems to be scattering faster then a convention of petty larcenists confronting a bevy of Dobermans… Increasingly, this cadre is beginning to look like the gang who couldn’t shoot straight!

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