Monday, March 27, 2006

Changing the Subject: The Ploy That Works!

I almost have to laugh how the Republicans have managed to steer the argument away from the real subject to a problem that would not exist if things were otherwise normal. I am talking about immigration here. People are jumping up and down about the rightness of the argument. Some are positioned on the argument that we need to act immediately or the house will fall down; others, especially the Republicans think that they can sweep this whole issue under the rug so that they don't alienate their lobbyists who seek cheap labor from beyond the border.
Okay, here's my thesis. We wouldn't be having this argument if we hadn't already shipped so many of our decent paying jobs off-shore along with our businesses and our manufacturing base. The fact remains that the only jobs left are jobs that are inconsequential, part-time and low paying. This is the truth and nobody wants to hear it.
We have Wal-Marted America to our own demise. We have listened to the lies of The Greening of America which allowed the privileged entrepreneurs to move their businesses off-shore so that virtually nothing is left in America. Doubt it? Ask yourself why do we have a 65 billion short-fall every month with China? Ask yourself who are the major suppliers to Wal-Mart and why? Sure, we hear about the return of jobs since the Recession but not one government official will tell you what kind of jobs we are talking about. We are shipping out manufacturing and Information Age jobs and gaining in nurses assistants and food handlers, the jobs of the 21st century. The New York Times reported that of all of lthe jobs being created, they were being filled by migrant workers. Why? They are cheap and they are hard labor and Americans don't want to do them. The real argument should be WHAT IS THIS GOVERNMENT DOING TO REPLACE THE QUALITY OF LIFE JOBS THAT ARE BEING SHIPPED OUT WITHOUT DEBATE AND DESTROYING AMERICA'S QUALITY OF LIFE. Perhaps they should chew on that awhile.

And here's the bigger question: Where are the Democrats and Hillary on this issue.
With all the talk about flags, this is something tangible that affects our lives and will impact our future. Why aren't we debating this from corner???

And that's only the beginning....

Les Aaron


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