Friday, February 17, 2006

"What Bugs Me..."

You know what really bothers me?

It’s not the global warming; it’s not the “off-shoring” of jobs; it’s not the attempts to privatize Social Security; it’s not the deals that have been worked out to screw those of us who are dependent on medicines. No; it’s none of those things…

What really ticks me off is the fact that these lead-footed perpetrators of Evil deeds, are trying to put one over on me. What gets me is how insulting to my intelligence they can be. How they think that they are getting away it and that we, the innocent dupes, are being taken in by their selfish and mean-spirited destruction of government and government programs and everything else that was designed over two hundred years ago to provide for the people of this country? How can they think that?....

That is what ticks me off!

It ticks me off that they think that they can get away with this kind of malevolence with impunity; that the American people will never wake up from their slumber and their mistaken belief that all presidents and their staffs have the good of the American people in mind; that they slavishly respect the Constitution and the laws of this land.

We know what this government really stands for; and it is a mockery and an insult to those who came before...

I can only imagine how many times they sat down and toasted the stupidity of the American people that has allowed them to get away with literally murder.

I had originally not thought of Bush Sr. being quite so perverse; but he has shown that when it comes to the public good, all he cares about is fattening his accounts. He’s no better than the rest of them! And when I say the rest of them, I don’t want anyone to think that I am omitting Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove and all of their henchmen and women who clearly have no souls and no sense of right or wrong! Nor have we forgotten how the Carlyle Group with leading Arab potentates has bought up American corporations through its insiders including Bush Sr. and Baker, the former Chief of Staff; and how some of that money finds its way back into terrorist hands...

Perhaps, it is me who is the fool. I served my country over four years! And I believe in the Constitution and what it stands for. And I believe that it is in the best interests of the American people to have three branches of government that are not in bed with each other or dominated by one single branch. Nor do I believe that our founding fathers intended for one the Executive to seize all of government’s power to dole out as it sees fit. Nor do I believe that it is in the best interests of the people to be dependent on private money to get reelected!...

From all of the above, it is without doubt time that the American people got on their hands and knees and cleaned out all of the evil, selfish, self-interested appointees and elected officials who think that government exists only to fill their coffers! or as a haven for their ineptitude.

It is time that the American people rose up and drove the baggage off! Or stretched their necks on the tallest trees. I would donate generously to that cause!

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