Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Through a Glass Darkly

There is something seriously out of whack here.

I read what so-called liberals post and it leaves me speechless.

Aside from a few participants, I have never heard such sophistry, some overarching misunderstanding of the facts or emotional swings that seem to be all over the place.

It seems as if the infinitely small has become magnified and taken center stage. The same arguments get dissected over and over again, especially among the Talking Heads.

“Did he part his hair on this side or that side.”

Clearly, if you prefer parting your hair on the one side opposed to the other, you are no longer a patriot or worth voting for…

No matter whatever the inanity of the question—and believe me the range of the dumb questions is paralyzing-- some expert would be conjured up to argue the “pros” and “cons.” It seems truly ludicrous.

And the afternoon broadcasts are worse with the reporters being even more amateurish, more uniformed.

While people gloss over this, it really points out that most people’s understanding of the issues is seriously flawed. Thanks to each miscreant giving their own little spin to the question depending where their loyalties lie.

And it only get’s worse when you get the Hannity’s and their ilk from the Fox Network on. Trying to match them up with the facts is a Herculean feat not to be attempted by the weak at heart.

In the rush of all this, the real issues get glossed over and the charges back and forth are mostly allowed to stand.

When a Republican critic challenged Chris Matthews with Obama’s flip flopping, he should have known that those charges were bogus. He never called him on it but switched topics.

It seems that the real issues take last place.

And it may be worse on the outside.

Long time friends show me that the race is not about the issues, it is about race……and gender.

This submerged biases and long dormant feelings are going to count for a lot more than we give them credit for.

We saw that in the Primary where good democrat beat good democrat and it got progressively ugly.

In the process, the real issues got buried.

Can’t we think better than that.

Are we not capable of separating fact from fiction?

Then why do we tolerate such nonsense?

What is wrong with Americans today?

Too many video games, too much dumb program, too little mental gymnastics?

I don’t know….

But I’ve literally seen college graduates unable to parse the language….

Unable to discern what is hype and what is fact… not understand the nature of propaganda when it’s thrust in their face.

Don’t ask anybody about what’s worth fighting for either in a democracy.

You’ll get blank looks.

The people who will tell you they’re educated cannot add two and two….

The world traveled seemed to have learned little.

The communicators do not write a word that helps.

Those who judge our military preparedness have never served a day….

And they put kids in Justice to tell them that they should only hire right-wingers like themselves….and then wonder why Justice can’t seem to find answers to anything.

Under our supreme justices, torture is not torture….It’s water sports.

Words change meaning before our eyes….

They’re not really spying on us, they are protecting us against “terrorists.”

We have a government that if they are trying to con us are doing a pretty feeble job of it; yet they don’t mind robbing us blind or dismantling government as concerned citizens stand around and applaud.

What the hell is wrong with America today.

Why can’t we knock some sense into the people who vote.

Why aren’t the votes ever counted?

Why are there “hanging chads?”

Why will most republicans vote to sustain a third term of George Bush….

Why will Hillary supporters vote for McCain when Obama’s and Hillary’s positions are virtually the same….

Why do we listen to a man who as governor thought it was funny to tease a prisoner on death row who held out hope for a change in sentence, a woman who was mentally ill. And it never came. Bush wanted to teach her a lesson….Is that the kind of mentality we want running America?

This sick mind inhabited by the resident of the White House believes literally in every word of the bible—even words that weren’t in the bible. And from his words, Armageddon sounds like Chevy Chase’s Summer Vacation.

And we turn over to such a man the power to launch ten thousand missiles and end the world.

Tomorrow, democrats will end the Constitution by destroying the Fourth Amendment.

Democrats, mind you, will vote to give the communications company a pass because Bush said it was okay to snoop on your fellow citizen without a court order.

We have sacrificed 4,000 plus men and allowed to be wounded more than 100,000 of our best and brightest and we say it’s to end terrorism—even though the country we invaded had nothing to do with bin Laden or his threats.

We have sold our land to China and Japan and Saudi Arabia….

To the tune of billions of dollars, all of which were used to fund an illegal war and Congress stood idly by….

We, once the most powerful nation on earth, have morphed into a debtor nation surrounded by 90 Nations who mostly hate us.

To me, we have all gone crazy….

And to my poor dead father who sacrificed so much so that others would not have to take his place, I issue an apology.

Dad, you sacrificed so that a bunch of morons could ruin your country into the dirt and the people you sacrificed for have not had the courage to lift a finger to save your democracy.

It is sad that we kill everything worthwhile and save only the detritus.

It is a suitable end for a place that has no meaning anymore.

An America that has become fascist in eight years and nobody seems the wiser.

It is time for the French to take back the Statue of Liberty.

We don’t deserve it any more.

Les Aaron

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