What we need to do…
tHE Republicans are trying to suggest that the Dems are going to jeopardize all of the Republican programs and policies made to date.
One would suspect from that republicans see themselves as infallible and perennially “right.”
Let’s address this cult of “rightness” for just a sec….
Am I missing something? Please help me here. Can anyone recall a piece of legislation over the last six years that was passed with total transparency that benefited the interests of the majority of the population that didn’t address narrow interests, that wasn’t circumscribed or limited by presidential edict?
I can’t!
To the best of my knowledge, I can’t think of one piece of legislation that doesn’t need to be exhumed and sent packing big-time.
The danger is that we become complacent.
The real work of Congress is yet to come. It consists of getting rid of all this narrow gauge self-serving legislation that has benefited the advantaged and special interests vs. the public good; that has pushed us to the tipping point environmentally and otherwise; that has decimated our middle class and stolen opportunity from the poor and disadvantaged.
But that’s only for starters! WE also need to get to work immediately to initiate remedial programs to address this country’s needs in a bubble-free real world.
Democrats need to work hand and glove to institute policies of their own pertaining to a myriad of challenges we face ranging from health care to insurance to jobs, including alternative fuels and energy sources, international policy, Fast Track, NAFTA and other agreements that we have entered into that benefit business owners but rob this country of a futureWe need to get down to the business of rebuilding the middle class. We need to level the playing field internationally. We need to provide for the poor and needy. We need to support equal education for all through grants and full scholarships for the disadvantaged. We need to get business out of bed with government; we need separation of church and state. We need to return to the rule of law. We need to balance the budget and eliminate our growing deficit with China, Saudi Arabia and Japan. We have to respect habeas corpus, posse comitatus, privacy agreements. We have to end eavesdropping the way it is presently conducted sans court orders. And we need to restore the fundamentals of democratic government. This is a tall order that will demand the sacrifices of the best and the brightest but it needs doing if this country is ever going to get on a fast track to restoring our reputation and our world standing.
Most importantly, we have to reintroduce hope back into the equation. We have to commit to science once again. We have to encourage the filing of patents and ideas that will produce a plenitude of innovation and technology to move this country forward once again.
WE seen this as a great crusade to put America back on top again—a crusade that will restore jobs and provide a new genesis for hope and aspiration…
Incidentally, despite the democratic win, the sky has not fallen. In fact, every democrat who is taking the chairmanship of the various committees has said that no progress can be made until the democrats and the republicans learn how to work together.
That seems like a good start to me!
Les Aaron
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