What's Evolutionary Biology?
Say good-bye Evolutionary Biology
Now Evolutionary Biology has disappeared off the maps…
Poor student. Need a grant to continue your major.
Want to study Evolutionary Biology.
Forget about it! You can’t.
Because it’s no longer listed as a course elegible for government grants or loans.
What happened to it?
It just seemed to disappear.
At present, the government seems to be at a loss to explain why the Evolutionary Biology that appeared on the list last year does not seem to appear there today .In fact, it’s just a whole standing between marine biology and biological oceanography on the National Smart Grant list.
Unfortunately, if its not on the list students in that major cannot get grants unless they declare another major, said Barmak Nassirian, associate executive director of the American Association of College Registrars and Admission Officers…
An article about the issue was posted Tuesday on the Web site, the Chronicle of Higher Education and its eliciting a chorus of doubts and questions..
According to Dr. Lawrence M. Krauss a physicist at Case Western Reserve University, said that the omission would be of “great concern” if evolutionary biology had been singled out for removal, or if the change had been made without consulting with experts in biology.
The program provides $ 4,000 grants to third or fourth year, low income students majoring in physical, life or computer schiences; mathematics; technology; engineering; or foreign languages deemed vital to national security.
What next? The appearance of a replacement: Intelligent Design?
Is this another case of the “invisible hand” of government we so often hear about?
Les Aaron
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