The following is the preamble to my book, HOW TO TAKE BACK AMERICA: THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE self-published using LULU as online publisher.
It is available for advanced sale beginning now.
A percentage of money raised from the sale of this "How to" book will be used to fund new democratic candidates and underwrite a new democratic think tank.
We are making the book available for the special introductory rate of $24.00 for the first 600 copies; after that, the price will be set by the publishing team that is guiding me in this undertaking.
These will be signed and treated as initial issues.
Please submit check or money order to Les Aaron. Add state and local taxes.Be sure to indicate name and address clearly on check.
Remit to: c/o R.T. Friedlieb
Indicate "HOW TO TAKE BACK AMERICA" on your check. 239 Lakeside Drive
Lewes DE 19958
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This book will not make you more popular.
This book will not make you better looking. It will not give you Abs of steel! And it will not put you on the “A” list for parties sponsored by the rich and the beautiful. It will not give you thicker hair, make you more regular or strengthen your bones.
It will not make you more potent or help you to sleep better.
What it will do is make you think.
We guarantee that you will think about politics in a way that you never did before. This book will help you to see how politics much to the surprise of most people influences everything. From who picks your orange juice to who gets your information age job. It determines whether your kids or grand kids go to war, and how we protect our cities against natural disasters. It decides whether Uncle Charlie or Aunt Millie get the medical coverage they need—whether we drill in pristine wilderness or destroy the face of America. It determines whether our children will grow up free and clear of international debt or whether they will be saddled for a debt that they had no responsibility for. It will decide whether you get your monthly social security check and whether the management of that system will remain in government hands or the private sector. It will determine whether we remain a retailing nation or discover our innovative spirit to again lead the world with our technology. It will decide whether we will turn the other way when government tells us that air pollution and poisoned water are our legacy and good for America or whether we commit to recyclables that are non-toxic and good for the environment. It will be responsible for whether we are viewed as a pariah in the world or a partner who is committed to the betterment of mankind. It will decide whether we participate as an equal in the UN and work towards a better, more cooperative world or turn to bullying and aggression as a continuing instrument of policy. It will help you understand that the people who run for office may not have our best interests in mind. Or have the skills or aptitudes to govern justly. All things that we never deemed possible in a land where the poor could become rich and the ugly duckling become beautiful. Today, all the options are on the table and it is up to us, the people, to decide what we intend to do with them. Unfortunately, because of events, many of these decisions cannot wait…and therefore your involvement cannot wait.
In the end, you will realize that there is only one person responsible for all that happens: YOU!
And if you don’t see it, be prepared for the worst case scenario!
If we agree to nothing else, we must agree to one salient point: If we contributed to the current condition through our inaction, it is we alone who must fix it.
There is no alternative.
We Must Reverse What We Have Allowed to Happen…
How to Proceed:
Of course, reading the above, any normal person would be overwhelmed with what faces each and every one of us.
What can we do, you might say. “ I am only one person…”
In this book, you will discover that one person can change the world!
Okay, one other thing before we proceed, we need to get the apologies out of the way… First, let’s begin by informing you that you will not be warmed by some of our language and you may reel at some of the things said here. You will find some of the words and thoughts tossed about on the following pages to be: Insulting. Caustic. . Hubristic. Offensive. Insidious. Contentious. Disrespectful. Iconoclastic. Demanding. Subjective. Inappropriate. Contemptible. Accusatory. Deniable... Tenacious. Brutal. Aggressive. Concerned. Curmudgeonly. Dissecting. Outrageous. Hostile. Vengeful. Unresponsive. Unfair. Partial. Obtuse. Deniable. Provocative. Repetitive. War-like. Bellicose. Domineering. Excessive. Hateful. Chauvinistic. And Biased.
Unfortunately, that’s the price of entry.
We say all of these things and more. Why?
Because we are not eager to make you feel good about yourself. This is not public school or your parents. This is the reality of bringing about positive change. And it’s going to be painful and wrenching.
What we say here has a purpose. One of those purposes is get Americans to recognize that they are responsible for what happens; not someone else.
And to effectuate change, you first have to understand why it is needed and mandatory given the present set of circumstances.
For what purpose?
The purpose of recommitting to what our country is all about and bringing back democracy.
Not to add unnecessarily to your burden, but you must understand, too, that a sword of Damocles hangs over our head. We don’t know for sure, but we may not have a lot of time left. Many scientists are suggesting that we may already be at the “tipping points” and if we go any further, we may not be able to come back. And that would be particularly worrisome since we have not yet discovered another habitable planet in this Universe aside from our tiny blue orb.
Here’s the bitter medicine: If the Oil men running our country run it any deeper into the ground, we may find that unlike the pendulum on a clock, we may not be able to swing back.
Therefore, we have one course of action. And that is to do what the Minuteman did at Lexington; Stand tall. We must stand up for our country at a time of its dire need.
Here’s the rationale:
We cannot afford to turn the other cheek indefinitely. We are in truth not a Monarchy or a dictatorship as some might like.. We are a democracy and a country based on democratic principles and personal freedom for all people.
And it’s about time we recognized that fact and oust those who would lead and control us out of fear!
Positive Change:
That said, let’s get down to the business of positive change.
To understand the urgency of this book, it is necessary to connect the dots, tie together the missing strands, and discover the subtle linkages that are being set in place now and will shape our futures in ways that even now we seem to hardly understand..
This is not an idle pastime when you consider how much is dependent on what is happening now. For the first time, we are beginning to talk about tipping points—these are points that if reached cannot be reversed. For the first time they are being used to refer to natural events the implications of which we are not certain about. The talk now is about tipping points being reached in global warming, preservations of species, food supplies including the vital food chain and in other areas.
We have already lost 99% of all of the species that ever lived.
And there is debate about whether we will survive over the long term. Right now, it seems as if we are headed on a collision course with dwindling resources and an embattled Nature that takes no prisoners. It is up to us as to what we make of our present condition. .
Increasingly, what we are seeing is how Free Trade has precipitated a growing competition for dwindling resources.
What will we do when we are all competing for the same supplies of oil, natural resources, food? Will War be the natural by-product of unfulfilled demand?
In America, the export of jobs and increasing energy costs has shaken families to their foundations. Many simply do not know how they will be able to maintain their quality of life when
The quality jobs are being shipped off-shore and part-time, low paying service jobs are all that is available?…
Across this great land, we have seen the end of an industrial age with nothing to replace it. In reaction, our government ships not only manufacturing jobs overseas in the euphemistic process of “off-shoring” but also the information age jobs. We are told that service jobs will replace manufacturing. That is patently untrue. As evidence, we cite the fact that of all of the jobs created prior to the last election, all were taken by immigrant workers. This is not meant as an indictment of immigrant workers only to signify that the jobs created were mainly part-time and low-paying. Moreover, service sector jobs, unless directly associated with the manufacturing sector, do not have the same multiplier effect in the economy as manufacturing does where one dollar can turn into six dollars.
In the service sector, the one dollar stays one dollar!
IN many respects, what we find ourselves confronting is the “Wal-Marting” of America. We are seeing American manufacturers shut out of the bidding because they cannot compete with the Chinese and South Asian manufacturers and suppliers who are willing to work for pennies an hour. How will this quantum changes in the way we conduct business impact the lives of normal workers?
We are seeing a mad rush to exploit everywhere. While the voters voted against it, there is still rampant development in Alaska and in the pristine Northland that is expected to drive important species out of existence for the sake of a year or two’s supply of oil.
We are seeing our pristine national parks devastated by clear cutting and the building of criss-crossing roads that are a blight to all. We are seeing OSHA regulations put on the back burner, allowing manufacturers and utilities to poison the air we breath and contaminate our water.
We are seeing dangerous trends in over-fishing that promises to diminish our already dwindling supplies of food and threatens specific species that once proliferated.
As if that weren’t enough, we have dumped literally thousands of steel drums of toxic materials in the areas that give rise to the plankton that are the very basis of the food chain; and the results are being manifested in dangerously reduced supplies of fish around the world.
Through our carelessness and contempt for environment, we have seen the evidence for Global Warming build so that we all face its hazards and question why we allowed it to come to that…
For the first time, new dangers are posed to the Northern climes by rising temperatures which are attracting new threats that never existed in the North before…
In order to satisfy other nation’s needs for food and lumber, we are seeing the pristine Rain forests being exploited and burned up at increasing rates that reduce the trees needed to produce oxygen in our world. An area the size of Rhode Island with its life supporting oxygen producing trees and plants disappears every year!
We are growing specially artificial strains of hay and wheat that are dangerously susceptible to disease….
Our milk and meats contain dangerous growth hormones that may be responsible for changing the body chemistry of our population….and affecting birth rates and prenatal health.
Global Warming is raising the tides so that the Solomon Islands and other low lying areas may be below sea level in the next ten or twenty years…
Ice melts are contributing to a change in the salinity of the North Atlantic which may cut off the “accelerator” for the warming belt that keeps the planet temperate.
We are seeing an increase in the frequency and severity of local weather systems generating more severe natural phenomena like hurricanes and cyclones…
And these are only some of the natural disasters and crises that we face….
This is a belated wake up call. We must become involved to do what we can as human beings to reverse what this government has allowed to happen without consideration, without thought and without recognition that what we face is literally a direct threat to our survival as a people.
Les Aaron
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