Thursday, February 23, 2006



What’s it all about?

One day the Arabs are the bad guys; the next day, they are the good guys!
Figure that out.
I am still confused about all the stuff that went on before and immediately after 9/11.

If all of the Arabs piloted the planes, why the day after the incident we let all the Arabs fly out and grounded Americans? I couldn’t quite figure that one out.
I do know that that order came from the top. So, while the president was declaring war on Arabs whom he referred to as ‘terrorists,’ other Arabs were good guys—at least as far as they were concerned.

So, what do you do next?

I listened to the Transportation Secretary who said that we don’t “profile.” Profiling is prejudicial! Despite everything, the eighty year old nun is just as potentially as the swarthy guy with the headpiece and the sneakers that sport a fuse.

My argument was that 19 out of 19 terrorists were Arabs from Arab lands who were committed to killing the infidel. Wouldn’t it then make sense to check Arabs first? Instead of 80 year old nuns?

He said that isn’t the way it’s done. I replied, “well, isn’t it reverse discrimination to profile Arabs in order to remove them from this country for their own health?”

No answer from Mr. Minetta.

Well, I figured someone had to know the answers to these tough questions. Maybe I should check out what was going on down in Bora Bora where we were right on the tail of bin Laden. As you know, we had him surrounded in the high mountainous region. So what did we do? We turn over the finishing of the job to the tough Pashtoons in the southern part of the region, bin Laden’s best friends in the region.. What happened?

Well, you don’t have to be a brain surgeon to figure it out.

Bin Laden got away. Do you think it was a mistake entrusting the search for bin Laden to Arab sympathizers. Well, our astute government acted very surprised with the results and shifted the blame away from those who had befriended the Arabs. It could have happened to anyone they suggested..

Okay, let’s let it go. I mean we can’t seem to find a six foot four Arab wandering around in the middle of nowhere with a kidney dialysis machine so why should we believe that we would even know the difference between a Pashtoon and an Arab.
That reminds me after the original attack on the WTC, the FBI caught four men, and let two go who were later involved in the hijacking. The FBI also, it turned out, had seized the terrorists blue prints of the WTC; only they didn’t have anyone who could translate them.
Now, to me that makes lot’s of sense. We are instructed to initiate a program to keep our guard up in the presence of potential terrorists so our brilliant planners don’t bother to hire anyone who understands the appropriate dialects!…

Let’s turn to our ally Pakistan. It turns out that Pakistan’s nuclear energy expert, an Arab sympathizer, sold the technology to make nuclear weapons to our enemies.

What did we do about it?

We sold them our most advanced jets to piss off India, a pro Western style Democracy!

Okay, so this is pretty tricky territory. Not all Arabs are the same we’ve learned and that not every one, according to our government wants to see us dead, so that’s why it makes good sense to turn over the protection of our key ports to Arabs.

And the president tells us that it is just posh that we are worried that 2 of the 19 hijackers were from the Emirates or that the terrorists funneled cash through the Emirates; in the end, they are good businessmen that we can trust and we should take that on the word of a committee I’ve never heard about before.

Nor does it matter that James Baker is involved through dad’s connections with Carlyle Group that benefits from insider trading and Arab capital that comes from the high prices charged to Americans for the cost of oil which flows back through Arabs to less than legitimate causes that support terrorism.

No, none of that counts!.

All that really matters is the word of this apparently sacrosanct committee that made its decision behind closed doors and that we should accept without question that they have already considered all of our questions. That should be good enough for even the worst Doubting Thomas.

In the meantime, most of us need head and neck therapy since we’ve been shaking our heads so much in the last year that it is quite surprising that the highways aren’t full of lots of them bouncing around….

Meanwhile the Coast Guard which seems to bear the weight of protection against incoming bombs complains bitterly about not having the staffing or the budget to do the job. But why should we worry? Our government is too busy for this stuff trying to tell the American people that despite the fact that Sunnis and Shiites have taken the extraordinary step of blowing up each other’s sacred places, democracy is looking good for the Middle East.
Who are the good guys now?

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