Thursday, January 26, 2006

How To Ferret Out The Real News...

Want to really find out what’s going on,
Don’t listen to what the media tells you…

Ever go into a cafeteria? Want to find out what’s good to eat?
You ignore everything up front. Why? Because they tempt you in by serving up all their “goodies” where you will see them first. No, what you do is go to the hot tray and start there. The same is true with the newspapers.

I learned that a long time ago from the Paper of Record, the Gray Lady.

If you really want to get to the truth, you start reading the newspaper from the back forward.
With the New York Times, I start on page 28.
Why? That’s where I read that they first printed news of the Holocaust with a two column story buried in the second half with no photos; no screaming headlines…
And if you really want to find out what’s edgy, you read the Saturday or Friday newspapers, because those are the least read and the least studied editions all week…

I don’t recall if if the Holocaust was truly buried on page 28, in that infamous 1943 edition but I remember it was buried in the second section where nobody would see it and nobody would react to it. On the same day, on the front page was the big news: The governor’s charity tennis match where he donated his sneakers to the war effort. I kid you not. It still sticks in my craw!

In the meantime, because nobody saw the real news, nobody did anything about it including the rest of the national media. It seems as if the Times has the responsibility as paper of record for leading the pack.

In one of the many revealing books I have read about the Times since, they excuse their actions as not wanting to further complicate FDR’s life by loading more on his plate since there was so much support for the German cause among the wealthy influence-peddlers like the Cabbots, the Lodges, the Kennedy’s (remember he was promoting Wendel Wilkie to head up the Republicans!) and the Bush’s.

Things do not seem to have changed much!

Take this year, for example. Despite what the NYTimes gave as an excuse for not publishing news of the president’s approval for NSA to snoop on Americans without a court order, I cannot help but believe it was an accommodation to the Republican Party until after the election. Therefore, the NYTimes cannot be absolved from preventing the truth from getting to the people in time for them to change their votes. I am inclined to believe that the newspaper under its present management has sold its soul for the sake of expediency and that does not auger well for the future of free speech. And it is rather sad to contemplate that no matter what the NYTimes does to curry favor, they will always be viewed as part of the liberal establishment. That will not go away!
And as a liberal or progressive or independent as I have been classified, I am offended by being identified with an establishment known for its expediency and cowardice.
I still read the Times but I do with extreme prejudice.

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