Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The End of Days...

Excerpt from the End of Days...
a book about GAIA and Man and The Times...

by les aaron
With an evolving technology and growing complexity, man had over a period of time virtually separated himself from those vital shared connections with Nature that had shaped his evolution. . And, in so doing, had become estranged from the natural order of things, the ebb and flow, The tides, the phases of the moon, the cessation of life in the winter, the rebirth in the spring,, the periodicity of things that had defined him as an evolving creature with the capacity to think abstractedly. So many of these qualities had been trivialized in modern technological man…

In the past, it was both comforting and reassuring to know that there was a certain synchronicity that guided one’s life... Early man understood the very fundamentals that shaped his ongoing evolution; that night would follow day; that the ice would melt and flood the rivers; that the crocuses would bloom again in the spring and that the frogs would revisit the ponds they had frequented for decade after decade in some unerring pattern forward to infinity…This ebb and flow, this periodicity gave balance and harmony to man’s life allowing all living things to adjust in a way that brought calm and inner peace.

In the supposedly ‘reasoned world’ of modern man, all of that had been sacrificed in the endless quest for power and material primacy…

As it happened, in an instant of time, man’s denial of his beginnings and his roots, his thoughtless actions and his endless quest had triggered a form of benign neglect and disregard of the natural order of things that would lead to a slow but undeniable change in man’s relationship to his environment that would have long-term dire consequences.

. Nevertheless, what was becoming increasingly clear to at least a few was there was a profound irony in play. In the end, the essential truth was that man had not evolved beyond his beginnings as he had been led to believe, but, instead, was tethered by those connections in ways not always understood. It was as if we were late to comprehend the fact that no matter what we did, we were still creatures who in one way or another were shaped by our environments; that our growing technology and ego-centric views had blinded us to this ultimate truism.

This would not have come as a major surprise if we kept our ear to the ground. For Purists and truth=Sayers had long prophesized that in truth we actually inhabited a closed biosphere, where everything that happened was ultimately linked in some complex web of cause and effect,, not unlike the Zen aphorism, and, as we were to learn, in such a system, every action resulted in an equal and not always benign reaction. This was the lesson to be imparted. But it came late in the game; some said too late to be of any good to a population humbled by Nature’s awesome powers...

Perhaps no one could isolate the date precisely but at some time in our present when the conditions were just right,, a confluence of events signaled that we were about to experience a change in traditional natural patterns, the ebb and flow, the periodicity that had so dictated our lives for so long and once we had passed through into this new unpredictable world, nothing in our lives would ever prepare us for what would come later… But this was poorly understood at the time. Nature was always unpredictable, always capable of change. And in the past, she had demonstrated her fickleness in ways that caused us to hesitate for a moment to think about what she was capable of. But, we too, suffered from short term memory, tending to forget almost overnight what could happen if natural forces were unleashed, became, disconnected from what was considered predictable patterns.

As it turned out, with one sweeping turn, The Genii had been unleashed belatedly and nobody knew whether it could be returned to the bottle…Politics Blog Top Sites


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